
Ejdehan are an ancient excultid people native to the continent of Volenar. They are notable for having large wings of hollow keratin spars running parallel down their back, connected by feathered skin that allow them to glide. Ejdehan average 7 to 8 feet in height with wiry, lithe and strong builds. They have short, hooked black beaks on the end of their muzzles and like all keratoplexans, they have black teeth impregnated with biomineralized iron.


Female ejdehan tend to be larger and stronger than males, though males are usually quicker and better gliders. Their bones are hollow, but strong. Their heads sport a keratin crest that acts something like a keel when soaring. In males it is bright red, tinged with yellow at the edge. Female crests are yellow. Their short tails have a second flaring wing of keratin spars.


Ejdehans bodies are covered in a double layer of body hugging feathers except for their faces, hands and feet, which are scaled. Their plumage and scales are pigmented in a dark iridescent yellow, appearing golden, with different iridescent colors in striped patterns dorsally and entirely gold ventrally. These color patterns vary, but the base color is always gold. As ejdehan age the non-gold colors fade out until old age when they are entirely golden. Though most ejdehan fight with weapons, they can also fight with their claws in need.


Ejdehan are hunters who prey on the grazers of the alpine meadows and foothills, mainly lanti and korre, though they also hunt the dangerous oghra and other creatures in the deep mountain valleys. Those that live near the cliffed coasts of Volenar ride the sea breezes and hunt sea creatures such as tuna, hval or rostung with expertly wielded harpoons and bladed clubs.


Ejdehan traditionally wear minimal clothing, usually nothing more than a harness and belt for holding tools, weapons and pouches. They wear bracelets and anklets decorated with shells, teeth and feathers. Clan chiefs often wear headdresses of painted oghra or hval skulls depending on habitat.


Ejdehan are generally peaceful but independent people who desire to be left to their own affairs, but when there is need of defense of the homeland, ejdehan are fearsome and relentless opponents. Members of the elite internation warrior society, the Brotherhood of the Wind, are highly trained in aerial combat and usually fight with lances, javelins and composite bows. Wind Brethren are handpicked by the internation clan chief council and prominent veterans may sometimes form clans of their own.


Ejdehan traditionally worship the spirits of the suns Kal and Bal who they name Urkan and Silan. Servants of Urkan and Silan, the sun speakers, are held in great reverence and have nearly as much influence as clan chiefs.


Though not naturally fast or maneuverable gliders except during dives, ejdehan can soar for long distances, riding mountain updrafts and ocean breezes with innate skill. Ejdehan are a hardy race but most are rather unlearned, except for those curious and adventurous types who venture into the world beyond clan and nation.


Ejdehan females give birth to live young, usually one and occasionally two. Though their parents bear primary responsibility for care and training, young are raised communally and all male or female ejdehan with young can and will feed their liguro to any infant that is hungry.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Becco occidentis volenaris
Geographic Distribution


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