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Session Report - Chapter 3: The Saltbridge Riots

General Summary

Upon arriving at the Golden Feather Inn, Ileyaries Amakiir sends a letter to Patton Myrose, informing him that she and Ægira had returned from Stonsfruit Abbey and were staying at the upmarket inn.
  During their stay, Tem-raire Corpsehalter Olokanu was visited by his divine patron, Satanath , who shares with him the Myth of Creation and explains why she had him brought back from the dead. Satanath, it seems, is an agent of Order and has charged Corpsehalter with hunting down those that dare to threaten the balance between Order and Chaos.
  In the early hours of the morning, Ægira Naïlo sneaks out of the inn and returns to the Lonely Apothecary where the party had met the fortune teller the day before. When she arrives, Ægira discovers that the fortune teller is missing and the small shop has been burnt to the ground.
  After a well-needed rest at the inn, the three adventurers meet downstairs in the common area, where they are introduced to Theodore Quinn , a travelling merchant who purchases the valuables the party had taken from the Stonsfruit Catacombs, no questions asked.
  Soon after the completion of their transaction, the door to the inn slams open and a group of bandits rushes in. At their head is the bandit that had managed to escape from the Dockside Warehouse. Upon spotting Ægira, the bandits attack, setting themselves upon the trio. Fortunately, the party is able to overcome their assailants, however one of the attacking thugs manages to escape after he was disarmed in the melee.
  A short while after the deadly brawl, Patton Myrose finds the party in the Golden Feather Inn, and convinces the inn keeper not to press charges. After chastising Illeyaries for the party's foolish behaviour upon their return to Saltbridge, Myrose informs the group that the various criminal gangs which run The Undercity have united and are now being led by a mysterious, charismatic and ruthless individual. He explains that this is the reason for the increase in organised crime he was charged with investigating, and tells the adventurers of the murder, extortion and riots that have rocked the bridge over night.
  Myrose also takes this opportunity to out Ægira as a pirate and demands that she explain why she is being targeted by the bandits. After Myrose threatens to turn her over to the bridge guard, Ægira reluctantly explains to the rest of the group how she came to arrive at Saltbridge. After listening to her story, Myrose postulates that the criminals are after individuals with magical abilities and suggests that they also warn his friend, Taylor Idahli, a powerful wizard who advises the bridge council and who might also be a target.
  Myrose notes that the violence has stretch the bridge guard thin and explains that the Tracker's Guild has been hired to protect the rich and influential caste that live on the bridge. Whilst the bridge has been locked down by the city guard, Myrose believes he can still reach his client, the Master of Coin, on the far side of the bridge and implores the adventurers to help him, offering Ægira clemency if she helps him protect the Master of Coin.
  The party agree to help and make a plan to subvert the bridge guard in order to make it to the Master of Coin's house. Before they leave, Myrose awards Illeyaries with a Tracker's Token, signifying that she is now an initiate and member of the Tracker's Guild.
  Shortly into their journey towards the Master of Coin's residents, the party come across a large and angry crowd which the bridge guard are struggling to contain. One of the guards, a man by the name of Linus Tanner asks Myrose for help calming the group and in return offers to escort the party the rest of the way across the bridge if they succeed. With some convincing acting and a little divine magic, Corpsehalter, with help from Ægira and Illeyaries, convinces the crowd that the patron gods of the bridge are displeased with them, causing them to disperse.
  Now armed with an escort, the group continue on, entering a small park where a travelling circus show is unpacking. In one of the cages that has already been unpacked, Illeyaries notices a wolf that she is instantly drawn to. Whilst the animal's handler is initially hesitant to hand the beast to Illeyaries, Ægira succeeds in intimidating him into releasing the wolf. The wolf then joins the party on their journey.
  Upon reaching the Master of Coin's house, the party finds that his personal guard are still standing watch, waiting for Myrose to arrive and relieve them. After handing them a small bag of gold, they reluctantly agree to stay whilst the party travel the short distance to Taylor Idahli's house a short way down the bridge in order to warn her of the potential danger she faces.
  Arriving at Taylor's residence, the party find one of Taylor's maids dead by the front door. Going into Taylor's sanctum, they find her fighting off a large group of bandits, many of whom lie bloodied and broken on the floor. However, the fearsome enforcer leading the attacking bandits manages to mortally wound Taylor, stabbing her through the abdomen with their sword. In a desperate attempt to save Taylor, the party attack and manage to slay the remaining bandits and stabilise Taylor before she dies.
  After capturing and interrogating the last surviving bandit, the party learn that an assassin has been sent to the Master of Coin's house. As the party leaves Taylor's house, back towards the Master of Coin, Corpsehalter decides to execute the prisoner in order to prevent him from alerting his colleagues. Once outside, the party discover that a large mob has breached the inner gates of the city and that a fire has started and has already spread out of control. Ægira manages to hide the party from the mob with a concealment spell and they sneak back towards the Master of Coin's house. Halfway to their destination, they find the Lord Mayor, his wife and their baby, who Myrose decides to stop and help. The party commandeer a Ballista Mounted Carriage from the Lord Mayor's estate and begin to race the family to safety. 
  Arriving at the Master of Coin's resident, the party discover that the guards Myrose paid to stand guard have abandoned their posts. Myrose and Corpsehalter manage to evacuate the Master of Coin, but not before the party are attacked by the assassin sent to kill him. Fleeing in the wagon, the party are chased on horseback by the assassin and a number of his compatriots, but are able to escape after defeating the pursuing bandits on the road between Saltbridge and Stonsthaw. Bloodied and exhausted, the party watch as Saltbridge goes up in flames, a red glow on the horizon growing brighter as the bridge is consumed by fire...
Report Date
22 Oct 2024


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