
Twilit Era

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History of Rimea
Calendar of the Twilit Era   Many tell us stories of how the world began. There are many who would have you believe their stories of the origin. Some say it starts in magic, that the astral sea simply started expanding, or that the titans are responsible. Scholars are inclined to venerate the belief that the titans are responsible as the scope of their domain is obviously far beyond that of this world. However, some even say that there is one greater than all the titans. In the Fortosian historian circles, there are strands of evidence that there would have to be another, as the titans regularly cite their initial war against "The Rife Blight".   As per the historical records of Oculus Infinitus... Eons ago, long before the titans tamed the wilds and brought us to these lands, this place was rampant with destructive beings that longed for nothing but slaughter. They constructed idols that scarred the sky and attempted to bend the land to meet their wants. We call them "The Rife Blight". They warped and twisted the elements of nature so that their magic would sate every need of theirs, and it is written that this was the beginning of their fall.   After thousands of years of destruction and devastation, a group of guardians were sent to defend this beautiful land from the fire and iron that perverted the landscape. These defenders of the world are known now as the "Titans".   As time passed, the dust settled from their war with the Rife Blight and the Titans began to rebuild what was once lost. Starting with humans, they began to tend to each of the races. As the Titans are each responsible for an aspect of humanoid life, they spent many years teaching and training the humanoids of the world how to access and harness the magic the Titans used to defeat the Rife Blight in hopes that the mortals of the world would some day be able to prevent any such enemy from rising again. They fostered flora and fauna so it may populate the lands, until they eventually found Vimeria and Jhorterra with enough to sustain them.   The Titans watched and learned from their people for a thousand years. That was until the Red King descended upon the world. A foreign being of incredible power that defeated and imprisoned the Titans. Caging them all within various prisons across the lands. This became known as the Age of Tyranny. This lasted yet another thousand years.   Eventually, the seals broke on the cages, and with the combined efforts of the titans the Red King was sealed away by The Lawmaker, Praetec Flecte Repa. Knowing that they needed time to recover, Praetec issued an edict to the people of Rimea. An Age of Isolation began. The seas became untouchable, swallowing everything that tried to cross them.   Years ago, the edict was repealed. The Red King still securely imprisoned. With that knowledge the Titans returned to their work in Rimea. With the end of the Edict of Isolation came a complication. After 11 months of the first year, the final month arrived with enraged monsters, magical manifestations, and perpetual twilight. Scholars believe it to be either magical backlash, post-edict residual magic, or the sign of an even greater trouble yet. Due to the fundamental changes to the calendar year, a new calendar was created by Oculus Infinitus known as the Calendar of the Twilit Era.