History of Rimea

This is the recorded history of the world known as Rimea. The known ages are recorded and distributed by the observers and watchers of Fortosia.

Era of Creation

0 TB 999 FH

The beginning of known time in Rimea.

  • 0 EC

    100 EC

    The Beginning of Rimea
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As of the records of Oculus Infinitus it is believed by some that during this time Lenos and Gorbia Rigmoorden came together to create the heavens and the earth. However, the documentation for these events seems to be incomplete.   Other records indicate that the Prime Titans defeated the Rife Blight around this time and seized control of the world that we now live on. In this history, our origins are truly unknown.

Age of Tyranny

2000 FH 2999 FH

Before the titans returned to power, a being far more alien separated the mortal races and ruled over them with deadly force. It is said that the rivers ran red for 50 years during this horrific age.

Era of Isolation

3000 FH 3999 FH

The titans returned to battle against the tyrannical overlord known as the Red King. After their return, this era was marked by a decree by the Lawmaker that no one was to travel by sea. It was suspected that the Red King was sealed away deep within the ocean.

  • 3973 EI

    19 /2

    The Battle of the Red Sun Valley
    Military action

    Edwin "The Drake" and the armies of Fortosia pushed into the Red Sun Valley, fighting off the first incursion of Red Sun Hedrons and the first wave of the Skittering Legion.

  • 3975 EI

    3989 EI

    The Fall of Ayashou
    Cultural event

    After many years of withstanding the onslaught of the skittering legion, the nation of Ayashou fell to the Red King.


Twilit Era

4000 FH and beyond

The beginning of the Twilit Era was marked by both the end of the Era of Isolation and the beginning of the yearly twilight.

Twilit Era

  • 5997 TE

    11 /5
    5999 TE

    31 /12

    Fall of the Red King
    Era beginning/end

    Praetec finalized a ritual to reduce the Red King's power. After a long and devastating battle, the titans subdued the Red King and confined it to the depths of the deepest ocean.

  • 5999 TE

    Destruction of the Red Throne
    Military action

  • 6548 TE

    12 /8

    Sundering of Srinmire
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Misbelle Skrove and Modair Fodair gathered in the outlands of Drakkengurt. The results of their discussion and actions were the split town of Srinmire.

  • 8023 TE

    Founding of Dawnghrest
    Construction beginning/end

    The city of Dawnghrest was founded in the Verdant Isles by a group of adventurers hired by Adventure Co.

    Verdant Isles