Praetec Flecte Repa

The Lawmaker

Divine Domains

  • Vengeance
  • Law
  • Punishment
  • Order

Holy Books & Codes

Praetec is the one that issues all Titanic Edicts. Each titanic edict has lasting effects on the world, and have been recorded by mortals as holy edicts in some cultures. Those in Qivaq follow the movements and actions of the Lawmaker and attempt to emulate its actions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The 11 sided polygon with a single hand clutching around the shape.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Edicts must be obeyed.
  2. Laws are imposed on others.
  3. Piety is demanded.
  4. Fervent worship shows strength.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Ensure all titans are held to the orders of the edicts.
  • Expand the nation of Qivaq so that all mortals must obey the edicts.
Divine Classification
Current Location
Ruled Locations


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