Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron

Harmonious Symmetry

Physical Manifestation:

  Titanic Form: Ghoa manifests as an abstract fractal construct that ebbs and flows in and out of space, exuding an otherworldly appearance.  

Domains of Influence:

  Mathematics: Ghoa is the titan of mathematics and theoretical physics, manipulating the fabric of magic through intricate calculations.   Life: With a focus on sustaining life, Ghoa wields life magic to revitalize the wastelands and protect humanoid races in the nation of Cha'Thron.  

Purpose and Influence:

  Main Purpose: Ghoa's overarching goal is to maintain the magic of the world, ensuring the survival of life by repairing magical scars caused by conflicts between other titans.   Influence on the World: Ghoa's presence in the magical wastelands of Cha'Thron is marked by his tireless efforts to protect and rejuvenate the region, balancing the forces of life and mathematics.  

Manifestations of Power:

  Symmetric Restoration: Ghoa's power manifests in the restoration of symmetry and magical balance, healing the wounds inflicted on the magical fabric of the world.   Dimensional Resonance: Arcane gates in the city of Ky'Ma resonate with Ghoa's influence, providing a connection to different realms and planes for scholars and mages.  

Worship and Practices:

  Followers: Those who revere Ghoa celebrate symmetry and perfection, with a particular group known as Hospicans, who feed off the charisma of others to sustain themselves.   Sacred Practices: In Ky'Ma, followers engage in rituals amid floating gardens and symmetrical architecture, harnessing the magical essence for the benefit of Cha'Thron.  

Divine Creatures:

  Xervitors: Created by Ghoa for repairing magical scars, these titanborn often succumb to corruption, draining magic from the regions they inhabit.


  Dimensional Instability: Ghoa's influence sometimes leads to dimensional gates becoming unstable, posing challenges for the inhabitants of Cha'Thron.   Life-Magic Balance: The delicate balance between Ghoa's life magic and mathematical precision can result in unintended consequences and challenges.  

Physical Aspect:

  Fane of Power: The magical city of Ky'Ma, with crystal cascades, floating gardens, and luminescent statues, serves as the Fane of Power where Ghoa recharges.  


  Dimensional Harmony: Ghoa's agenda involves achieving a harmonious balance between the dimensions and planes, ensuring stability in the magical forces he controls.
Divine Classification
Current Location

Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron, Hooded Traveler

Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron, Reflection of Power

Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron, Beyond the Astral


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