Fall of the Red King

Era beginning/end


Praetec finalized a ritual to reduce the Red King's power. After a long and devastating battle, the titans subdued the Red King and confined it to the depths of the deepest ocean.

For years Praetec worked on a ritual spell that would reverse the powers exerted upon the prime titans by the Red King. It was when the ritual finally took hold that the titans took the battle back to their enemy within what is now known as the wastelands of Cha'Thron.   At the time, the landscape was a sprawling plains littered with foothills and a mountain range that was eventually pushed southeastern by Gorbia's geomantic magic. The red king unleashed devastating attack one after another. Fundamentally altering magic in local spaces, the red king attempted to eliminate each of the titans' abilities. With the power that it had obtained, it took the likes of all of the prime titans to defeat and subdue the red king.   During the battle, Shar'valla Moorderoth sustained an injury to it's magical nature that subdued it. This is why the Moorderian Speakers are now required to commune with the titan.   Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron seems to have accepted the task of restoring the arcane infrastructure of that region in the aftermath of the battle.

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