
Cha'thron is many things.
Beautiful, dangerous,
chaotic, harmonious.
The land is hellish.
The people are pious.
Creatures of horror.
Dust that comforts us.

Cha'thron is many things.
Healing our wounds with the blood of a fire.
Curing our sick with the worm of the ground.
Gifting us beauty with the taste of a hag.
Leaving our bodies at the bottom of the crag.

Cha'thron is in everything.

- A poem by an unnamed Cha'thonian Bard -

As the known world attempted to liberate itself from the shackles Zi'ogaxz, The Red King had put on it, there had to be a battleground. With his throne nestled in the mountains of Ayashou, the rolling plains and woods that used to be Cha'Thron became the stage for the battle that would last around a decade. Not only did this battle rage on, spilling precious life into the soil below, but titans would go to war themselves. Never before, and hopefully never again, was there a war like this. Cha'Thron paid the price of freedom, as the land would never again be the same.   Cha'Thron is a battle-torn wasteland with numerous towns and cities scattered about in a series of oasis-like landscapes. Even after the titanic war against the Red King, there continued to be a massive amount of warfare that tore apart the once lush countryside by the armies of Drakkengurt and Stotfield, the last towns and cities hid away in natural valleys or magical wellsprings that stay hidden from the battles taking place in the wastes. The war between the forces of Sabrael Isda and Misbelle Skrove has waged on for thousands of years. The countless battles have left the landscape even more scarred and desolate. The ancient battlegrounds have become home to horrors and monstrosities that feed on the anguish that lies dormant in the blood-soaked soil. Traveling across the wastes is dangerous and frequently requires assistance from a group of travelers known as the Korp'Nakim.
  The major cities within Cha'Thron are usually allowed to develop to their size because of incredible magical wellsprings or deposits of lodestones that formed after battles of the past. Some cities harbor massive deposits of lodestones, minerals, and other magical resources that they become glistening beacons amidst the droll wastes. Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron uses these deposits to create magical barriers that protect the denizens of the towns. In the Fortosian records, it has not been recorded that the titan Ghoa' has been an active figure in the lives of mortals prior to the war against the Red King, but anymore it clings to the remaining beauty left in it's now vast wastes. Ky Ma, the Seat of Beauty, is one of these beautiful cities.
  The capital of Cha'Thron is a massive city with twisting alabaster spires, gold and marble roads, and works of art featuring impossible geometry scattered throughout the city. Nobles don alabaster masks with symbols and shapes carved into the faces, merchants and artisans wear fine clothing while carrying proof of their crafts, and commoners follow a code of dress by order of the nobles that preside over each district.
  It is common in Cha'Thron for towns and cities to have spells protecting them from creatures of the wastes. The lodestone deposits draw mages of all kinds to Cha'Thron looking for power and opportunity. Many of these foolhardy mages perish within their first few nights of travel, but some live long enough to become regents and mage lords. Those that are strong enough to cast and maintain protection spells for towns and cities are promoted to regents over the land by the mage lords of Ky Ma.
  Those without magic prove themselves as members of the Korp'Nakim or as laborers and artisans. For someone without magical abilities, it is usually their goal or dream to become a wealthy merchant, an artisan of beautiful goods, or a model of beauty for those that produce luxuries.
  To the people of Cha'Thron, beauty is valuable. Most people in these lands witness countless horrors in their lifetimes. To distract themselves from the terrors that reside within the wastes, they create works of art that rival the creations of the titans. This originally began when the titan Ghoa'Raque Cha'Thron, the Twisted Perfection brought the Hospican people to the once fertile lands of Cha'Thron.


The nation of Cha'thron is a desolate wasteland filled with long expanses of twisted rock and sand. There are some desert plants that are sparse across the landscape. In the central fields of stone, there are large pillars of stone that spiral up toward the sky, always falling just a bit short.    
Fantasy Landscape by Christian Dimitrov

Natural Resources

Cha'Thron is an incredibly resource-rich land. This is one of the major reasons that Stotfield and Drakkengurt constantly war over the lands of Cha'Thron. Some of the major natural resources are:
  • Massive iron deposits in and below the rocky spires of the wastelands.
  • C'thonian Tongues - A parasitic remedy for any ailment.
  • Minerals and sandstone.
  • A vast array of gemstones that reveal themselves periodically within the wastes.
  • It is rumored that somewhere within the wastes is a titansteel deposit.
  • Magical lodestones that naturally appear near strong magical leylines.


Choose 2: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Cryptic Healing
You gain the following benefits from this feature:
  • You gain proficiency in the medicine skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When encountering a language that you are not familiar with, you may make an arcana check (of appropriate DC) to attempt to decipher the text or language. If the check is failed, you are unable to decipher it and do not get to try again.


  • Cha'Thron
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Cover image: The Long Wait by David Fortin


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