
"Stand up straight. Chest out. Legs together. Chin up. Hands at your sides. Palms inward. Toes pointed forward...
Now, recite the third edict."

The father walks around inspecting the child's posture. The child, a young human 12 years of age stands perfectly still as they begin to speak.

"Those that exert their will upon the denizens of lands beyond their designated boundaries will be reprimanded with retaliatory actions as deemed appropriate by the one responsible for the region being encroached upon."

The man accidentally lets the tiniest hint of a smile escape from the corner of his lip. Immediately recoiling from the show of emotion he quickly barks out.

"What is the name of this edict?"

The child responds without twitching a muscle.

"The Edict of War, sir."



Choose 2: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Edict of Order
This feature grants you the following benefits:
  • When talking with a member of law enforcement, you gain advantage on any charisma skill checks with them for the duration of the encounter. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
  • When turning in a bounty quest, you gain 1 additional favor with the quest giver and 1.5x the bounty reward gold. (If 2 or more party members are from Qivaq, the bonus gold reward does not stack.)


  • Qivaq
Location under
Included Organizations
Characters in Location


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