Shar'valla Moorderoth

The Sleeping Giant

"It has been whispered from legend keeper to legend keeper that Shar'valla Moorderoth was once a great titan that walked across all the lands searching for remnants of its maker. This quest led it to find the lands of Mafik, a wild place with magic all around. It was said that deep within the heart of the jungles, a shard of the creator lay still, so Shar'valla pressed forward to retrieve it. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Upon reaching the heart of the jungle, Shar'valla was ambushed by a great deceiver and put into an eternal slumber. Since then, whispers have escaped from the dream locked titan, and these whispers are interpreted by the Moorderian Speakers." -An excerpt from 'Traveling the Northern Wilds' written by Hiddlemin Brumbadin, a Fortosian explorer.
"They slumber for now, not to be awoken. A day will come when they will wake. On that day, we will be judged. Shar'valla Moorderoth will stand to protect us. We are his loyal keepers. We work to preserve Shar'valla's lands. He will protect us." A prayer spoken by Horupa Vaywo (Moorderian Speaker) to the druids of the Moorderian Grove

Shar'Valla Moorderoth, The Sleeping Titan

Domain: Nature
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Current Location: Mafik
Description: Shar'Valla Moorderoth is a colossal and majestic titan, often depicted as reclining in a serene pose within the heart of a lush and ancient forest. The titan's body is adorned with moss, vines, and blooming flowers, symbolizing the intertwining of nature's elements. The air around Shar'Valla carries a tranquil aura, and the sound of rustling leaves and bird songs is said to be the titan's peaceful slumber.

Purpose and Influence:

Shar'Valla Moorderoth is the guardian and embodiment of the natural world. The titan's influence extends over the cycles of life, from the budding of spring to the deep sleep of winter. Shar'Valla ensures the balance of ecosystems, the flourishing of flora and fauna, and the harmony of the natural order. The titan's presence brings fertility to the land and vitality to all living creatures.

Mafik - The Titan's Sanctuary:

Mafik is the sacred realm associated with Shar'Valla Moorderoth. It is a sprawling, enchanted forest filled with ancient trees, crystal-clear streams, and vibrant wildlife. The air in Mafik resonates with the essence of life, and the boundaries between the material world and the divine realm are thin. The sanctuary serves as a haven for druids, rangers, and all who seek communion with nature.

Manifestations of Power:

Seasonal Blessings: Shar'Valla Moorderoth's influence manifests in the changing seasons. The arrival of spring brings abundant growth, while autumn heralds a cascade of colors. Winter, the titan's restful period, encourages introspection and renewal.
  Awakening Powers: Legend speaks of moments when Shar'Valla Moorderoth stirs from slumber, awakening the natural forces in response to threats to the balance of nature. These awakenings might manifest as surges of magical energy, the sudden growth of protective barriers, or the summoning of powerful nature guardians.

Worship and Practices:

Druidic Orders: Druidic circles and orders devoted to Shar'Valla Moorderoth are common in regions where the titan's influence is strong. These druids act as caretakers of sacred groves, protectors of endangered species, and ambassadors between the humanoid races and the natural world.   Rituals of Renewal: Worshipers engage in rituals that honor the titan's cycles. These rituals involve planting ceremonies, celebrations of the changing seasons, and communal gatherings to express gratitude for the bounty of nature.   Divine Creatures: Eldritch Sentinels: Creatures known as Eldritch Sentinels are believed to be manifestations of Shar'Valla Moorderoth's will. These beings, often resembling majestic animals or ethereal spirits, roam the titan's sanctuary and protect it from those who seek to exploit or harm nature. Challenges: Dormant Threats: The titan's dormant periods, while peaceful, leave the natural world vulnerable to external threats. Those who wish to exploit nature's resources may seek to do so during these periods, leading to conflicts with the titan's followers.   The Awakening Trial: It is said that individuals chosen by Shar'Valla Moorderoth may face a spiritual trial during one of the titan's awakenings. This trial tests their commitment to the principles of nature and their ability to maintain balance in the face of adversity.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Shar'valla Moorderoth created druidism, natural magic, and the flora and fauna of the world. Through these things, the Moorderian Speakers have interpreted that its goal is to allow for nature to take what belongs to it. It is believed that destroying nature could awaken Shar'valla in a fury.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Shar'Valla, King of the Druids

Shar'Valla, The Sleeping Titan

Shar'Valla, Awakened


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