The Islands of Mafik

The Devouring Wilds of Mafik

"Even to someone who has lived through three centuries of change, this place never ceases to amaze me. The flora changes each season, adapting and evolving faster every year. Do you see this patch of budding flowers? Two years ago, there were man-eaters there! Now that I think of it, please don't go picking those flowers.." The slender elven man wearing a suit of well-crafted armor made of living vines and ironbark looks down to the flowers carefully. He snatches a stone up from the underbrush and tosses it next to one of the flowers gingerly.
The flower snaps shut and the earth beneath it sinks into the ground as a large insectoid mandible snaps closed on the stone before burying itself under the newly turned soil.
"Ahh! It seems the local insects have taken over the man-eater hunting grounds. How interesting!" With a large grin, the elven man turns to the young hunter he is escorting with excitement. "We should leave before we become the hunted!"


Mafik is a wild and dangerous landscape. Teeming with life in every corner the lands of Mafik sport gigantic geological formations of many kinds. The land has shifted and twisted to form large cliffs, massive waterfalls, dense jungle rivers, and it believed that the living blood of Shar'Valla Moorderoth could bring fire from the tops of mountains if he were to be enraged. This tropical jungle is full of surprises for those exploring and for those that call it home.

Fauna & Flora

Mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds, vanishing panthers, trees that stand a hundred feet tall, vines that slither across the ground like snakes, birds that mimic the sounds of lost travelers to lure unsuspecting prey, shambling mounds of brush with a taste for small animals, antlions the size of dogs, legions of cockatrice that travel in herds, beasts so massive they create ponds when they walk, and other creatures of all varieties.

Mafik is known as the living island not only because of the vast jungle that sprawls across it, but because the jungle is alive.
Shar'valla Moorderoth's creations are an expression of its will for flora and fauna to evolve, adapt, and thrive. This leads to deadlier predators, bigger herbivores, dangerous flora, and an ever-shifting array of insects. The lands of Mafik are filled with dense jungles that overtake all forms of geological formations. Ravines are filled with sprawling vines and creatures that live on them, mountains have been taken over by gigantic trees, whose roots have split rock in half. Beasts resembling the shape and size of dinosaurs walk the jungles, some never seen due to their natural camouflage. Small things such as insects, bacteria, viruses, parasites, etc. thrive in the vast jungle causing the transmission of new terrifying diseases and plagues.


Choose 2: Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Mafikan Resilience
You gain the following benefits from this feature:
  • You gain proficiency in the survival skill. If you already have proficiency in this skill, gain expertise in it instead.
  • When encountering a type of poisonous gas, plant, animal, or creature you gain advantage on any saving throws against their poison. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


  • Mafik
Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization


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