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PC Events

  • 4707

    5 Neth

    5 Neth

    Food with the Locals

    This was the day the group spent time in Magnimar after dealing with the situation at The Shadow Clock. You meet "Grandpa" Hobart Deverin and he invited you for dinner at the Villa. After heading into the offices and discussing the murder of Justice Ironbrair and assassination plans for Lord-Mayor Grobaras, you get invited to lunch at the Defiant Gardens (his villa).   Upon returning to The Shadow Clock time seems to freeze as a few other creatures pop into being, a small group of Ataxians and a gold dragon who was recognized as Peace through Vigilance. They were sent by the deities to request the return of the onyx angel statue.    During lunch the Lord-Mayor rewards you for in essence saving his life. After finishing dinner at the Deverin Villa everyone heads back to Sandpoint.    A short stop in at the Rusty Dragon for a drink has Ameiko sit down and confirm you are joining her on the way to the Festival in Baslwief in a few weeks.

  • 4707

    6 Neth

    17 Kuthona

    Downtime Session 4

    6 weeks of downtime during which lots was done including but not limited to the grand opening of Burok's Zoo.   The group also confirmed plans with Ameiko to join her on voyage to Basweif for a food festival.   A halfling was found looking for Vachedi who then requested help getting his boys back.   A goblin was found dead at Junk beach.   Shalelu Andosana was around a bit more than normal, and made sure she was in town for the good bye party Bethana Corwin threw for everyone.

    Ends on "Day 88"

  • 4707

    18 Kuthona

    Travels with Ameiko
    Cultural event

    On the 18th of Kuthona the group left Sandpoint with Amekio Kaijitsu to board a ship in Magnimar. They are headed to Town of Baslweif with a stop in the Town of Ilsurian.   Starts "Day 89" arrive in Melfesh "Day 95"

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  • 4707

    22 Kuthona

    23 Kuthona

    Stop in Ilsurian

    The Driftwood docked into the Town of Ilsurian in midafternoon to drop off some cargo and pick up a few extra travelers.    While docked the group was able to explore town spending time in the Curiosity shop, but finding nothing of real interest, only a shield.    Following the pathway took them past Ilsur's Arena where they put on a demonstration for the young students.    Stopping to admire the grand statue of Ilsur Amekio Kaijitsu met up with the group briefly before heading to the Two Waters Tavern. She joined them shortly, however found an old friend, Aria, who along with Rorka joined the table. Over dinner crew members joined and they all enjoyed the night before returning to the ship.    Leaving port meant bodies aboard, including Aria, Rorka and Lilo Raven among others.

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  • 4707

    24 Kuthona

    25 Kuthona

    Exploring the Base Camp

    In the afternoon of the 25th of Kuthona the five in the group found a side trail and went looking in the forest for the camp they were told to find. Having found it empty they decided to hid overnight. When the slavers arrived the next morning they launched an attack.    Found camp on "Day 94" Left it on "Day 95?"

    Base Camp
  • 4707

    25 Kuthona

    27 Kuthona

    Baslwief Food Festival
    Cultural event

    The food festival hosted in Town of Baslweif by Seferin and the groups events as they run about town.

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  • 4707

    27 Kuthona

    2 Abadius

    Travel's Home

    The group decided to head home early so that they could figure out what Lehto's dreams were about, as they were conected to another - Cinerrui Tart and to a place Locked Box.   After leaving Ilsurian for Magnimar a storm rolled in and lasted about a day - it was just clearing when the ship was attacked but some creatures from the marsh.   This is when the PC's are expected to travel back to Magnimar/Sandpoint. With them is Amekio Kaijitsu. Aria and Rorka are heading home as well.     Travel back starts on "Day 98" and make port in Magnimar on "Day 104"

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  • 4708

    5 Abadius

    5 Abadius

    Welcome Home Party
    Gathering / Conference

    This party is hosted by Bethana a few days after everyone arrives back from Baslwief. It was a nice relaxing evening of food and drink.    The children came to sit with the group during desert, at someone Ameiko gave Shalelu the letter from Aria. And Hemlock landed the group a letter from the Lord-mayor of Maginmar summoning them to a meeting.

    Rusty Dragon
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  • 4708

    6 Abadius

    13 Abadius

    Travel's to Turtleback Ferry & arrival
    Population Migration / Travel

    The group dicussed with Eensor Selor to get passage up to Turtleback Ferry. Since she only had a short stop planned in Whistledown, she agreed to take everyone all the way up. She asked about the Shalelu Andosana, saying it would be nice to meet her one day. Tetsuo called to her and finding out the group was heading to check on the Black Arrows she asked to join.   The travel went well, some what more rainy again compared to normal.   Arriving in town Smooppy (and Vindu?) started asking about the ferry made from the turtle shells. Wishing to buy it they were told no by an unnamed gnome.   Starts o day 109

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    Turtleback Ferry