Holstrak Night

Holstrak Night, or Hüllstrachë Night, meaning "Red Star Night" in Old Duskan, is a holiday observed in the Undercity, Berenok and in most liberated settlements in the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest. It is observed once a year on the purported date of the founding of Berenok. It is both a means of remembering and revering the sacrifice made by the Crimson Star Agarem, who was the first of the Astarian vitian to turn their back on the Astarum to help the oppressed peoples of Rhaddin's Rest, such as the Duskan, as well as celebrating the accomplishments of the Holstrak Brotherhood in the past year.   During Holstrak Night, huge communal feasts are thrown wherever the holiday is celebrated. Regardless of wealth or station, the people eat together as a way of putting everyone on an even playing field. On this night, social inhibitions are relaxed, and even beggars can dine with kings in the spirit of equality and lifting all of the oppressed peoples of Rhaddin's Rest back to their rightful place.   It is this aspect of the ceremony, the emphasis on equality and breaking down barriers between social castes that is seen as particularly distasteful by the member-states of the Agrian League. As the mortal proxies of the Astarum, the member-states of the Agrian League value strict hierarchies and social stratification. The values celebrated on Holstrak Night run contrary to those core principles and so, the member-states of the Agrian League view the holiday as a sign of societal moral decay and forbid its observation in their territory.


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