
The peninsula of Shatterspear is colloquially known as the elemental plane of water. It is the domain of Ela'Athea Lakeahua and, remotely, Matanea, the ethnic begotten god of Shatterspear's people. It was, at one point, used as the launching point for an invasion of Sekhar by Galbad.


As the realm plays host to the largest local concentration of elemental water energies, which takes the form of the great ocean that encircles the peninsula, Ali'Awea—the "Great Mother" to the people of Shatterspear—it is often called the elemental plane of water. This is, however, a technical misnomer. Formally, an elemental plane is only considered as such when it is predominantly influenced by only a single form of elemental energy. Shatterspear, on the other hand, sits squarely on top of a confluence of several great flows of elemental energy.   This convergence of elemental energies is the reason that the realm is subject to natural disasters of a frequency and scale that are scarcely observed elsewhere. Climatic and geological instability have historically plagued the realm, briefly pausing during the rule of the God-Emperor Matanea, only to resume following the Great Flood of Flame with no sign of abatement in the foreseeable future. A river of fire elemental energies near the surface along the middle of the peninsula has resulted in the formation of a volcanic mountain range known as the Spine of Shatterspear, whereas earth elemental energies in the north of the realm have uplifted enormous chunks of land. The constant clash of water elemental energies and air elemental energies offshore produce storms of tremendous violence.
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