BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Actions and Activities


Requirements Linked to Helm.

Trigger The End of your turn


Description you nudge your craft into a turn as part of your forward momentum. Change your Facing by one side.


Requirements Linked to Helm


1 Speed point as part of a Jam Action.
Description You change the Facing of your craft by three sides of the Hex

Change Heading

Requirements Linked to Helm


1 Speed point as part of a Jam Action.
Description You change the Facing of your ship by one side of the Hex

Change Perspective

Requirements Linked to Helm


Description You change your perception as to perceive from anywhere on the ship as if you were standing there

Feed the Helm

Requirements Linked to Helm


Description You feed either a prepared spell or a spontaneous spell slot to the Helms or a Gnomish Helm to power it.
Or you and all your contributing partners feed a Innate spell to a Series Helm to power them.
The level of the spell you use dictates the base number of speed points used in tactical movement.
Cruising speed is unaffected by spell level.
Note - Innate spells, Focus Spells, or spells cast from items can not be used to Feed a Standard or Gnomish helm
Note - Only Innate spells can be used to feed a Series helm
Note - A ship cannot use any action or activity with the Move trait unless the helm has an active charge from this activity

Spell Rank to Speed

Speed PointsSpell rank required to reach it

Hard to Port

Requirements Linked to Helm


1 Speed point as part of a Jam Action.
Description You change the Facing of your ship by two sides of the Hex

Hoist the Colors

Requirements Either not flying a flag, or flying a false flag; Standing next to the main mast


Description you raise your flag. You Demoralize any ship that can see this flag and is an enemy of what your flag represents. Attempt an Intimidation against the opposing ships piloting DC. Regardless of your result, the target is temporarily immune to your attempts to Demoralize it for 10 minutes.

Degrees of Performance
Critical Success - The target becomes frightened 2.
Success - The target becomes frightened 1.


Requirements Linked to Helm, Helm is Fed


Description Getting a ship that has landed on planetary body to take off requires a buildup of magical energy.
To transition from landed to airborne; A pilot needs to perform a total number of the Liftoff activities that is noted in it's Hull stat block. These activities do not need to be performed concurrently, but if the pilot takes any action or activity that does not have the Pilot tag they need to start over.

Link to Helm

Requirements Have Spell Slots Available for Casting


Description You sit on the Helm and Link to it. Until you break physical contact with the helm you are linked to it.
You may take an immediate Take Control action as part of this activity.

Only 1 caster can be linked at a time.
While linked to a helm you feel the ship as if it is an extension of your body and can relate any hit the ship takes. You can take the actions with the Pilot tag granted by either your vehicle or your helm.
You cannot cast spells while linked.
You can talk, and act normal, and do most things as long as you remain touching the Helm. Metabolic needs (other than breathing) are suppressed while linked, but come back with full force on un-linking.

Shore up

Requirements Trained in Crafting and have access to the appropriate tools


Description You attempt to jury-rig a repair of your ship.
Make a repair check.
You give the ship you are shoring up a number of temporary HP = to the repair results. These temp HP last 1 hour before your slapdash repair falls apart and you need to actually repair your ship.

Degrees of Performance
Critical Success - You grant 10 Temporary Hit Points to the ship, plus an additional 10 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (a total of 20 HP if you’re trained, 30 HP if you’re an expert, 40 HP if you’re a master, or 50 HP if you’re legendary).
Success - You grant 5 Temporary Hit Points to the item, plus an additional 5 per proficiency rank you have in Crafting (for a total of 10 HP if you are trained, 15 HP if you’re an expert, 20 HP if you’re a master, or 25 HP if you’re legendary).
Critical Failure - You deal 2d6 damage to the item. Apply the item’s Hardness to this damage.


Requirements Linked to Helm, Helm is Fed, Your ship is in motion


Description Your ship stops

Take Control

Requirements Linked to Helm


Description Attempt a piloting check; on a success, you become the vehicle’s pilot, or regain control of the vehicle if it was uncontrolled. Some vehicles have complicated controls that cause this action to become a multi-action activity.

Thump It

Requirements Your ship uses a Gnomish Helm, Your helm has the Malfunctioning Condition


Description You give your malfunctioning Helm a solid thwack.
Remove the Malfunctioning Condition


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Oct 26, 2023 14:38 by G34RS

I love all of this!! Have you got a page with a full write-up of all of the rules you're using? I'm working on a similar concept, would love to have a chat sometime!

Oct 29, 2023 02:22

sure. I'm using the Pf2e core rules, these are just my spelljammer homebrew. Here's the world homepage.   Most of the rules I've come up with are in the Physic and PHB books.   Feel free to DM me