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Gnomish Helm

More proof that the Arcane have a soft spot in what passes for their hearts where Gnomes are concerned is the mere existance of of the Gnomish Helm; abominations of chaos that should not work and are often looked at with skepticism. These "Improved" helms are often cannibalized Spelljammer Helms at their core and operate under the same rules. Only about 60% of the Gnomish helms on the market work at all, and those that do suffer a significant breakdown rate when put to any stress. Gnomes build them large and with every conceivable bell and whistle. Only another Gnome engineer understands them well enough to repair them when they finally crap out.


  • Gnomish helms use the same rules for Link to Helm, Feed the Helm, and piloting that a standard Helm does.
  • They can be based of a helm with Size ratings of up to Large, and Speed rating of up to 3.
    • They take up the same space as the helm they are based on
    • They are offered at a 1 BP discount of the standard helm.
    • They are 1 Level lower than the helm they are based off of
    • They gain the (Gmone) trait

Gnomish helms are intricate and delecate. Anytime the Pilot attempts an action with the Reckless trait make a DC 5 flat check, on a failure the helm gainst the Malfunctioning condition. This condition can only be cleared by taking a Thump It Action.
Thump It

Requirements Your ship uses a Gnomish Helm, Your helm has the Malfunctioning Condition


Description You give your malfunctioning Helm a solid thwack.
Remove the Malfunctioning Condition

Spell Rank to Speed

Speed PointsSpell rank required to reach it
Item type
Power Storage / Generator


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