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Series Helm

There are thankfully few Illithids that have any casting ability, and that is usually a bar to the ability to Spelljamming. But luckily for them, they have plenty of Innate spells at their tentacles. The ever industrious Arcane have cooked up a solution that can help the ancestries that have access to innate magics take to Wildspace, the Series Helm; and no ancestry has embraced it as readily as the illithds have.
Series helms allow multiple creatures to combine their innate magic to provide the power needed to loft and propel a hull. They cannot be installed on any ship that uses another form of magical propulsion


  • Series helms start at a speed rating of 2 and can loft a tiny ship
  • Each series helm installed beyond the first provides increases the lift by one size category, and adds 1 to the maximum speed rating. (Maximum of Huge Size and 6 Speed)
  • A series helm can push a Huge ship to max Speed of 5
  • A ship must have a minimum of 1 series helms installed, and can have a maximum of 5
  • Each creature that is going to contribute to spelljamming needs to take the Link to Helm activity
    • The minimum number of contributing creatures is 1 or enough to activate enough helms to loft the size of the hull, which ever is greater.
    • When linked, contributors are under the same metabolic suspension that the pilot of a regular Helm are, and they must remain linked to the helm for the duration of the spelljamming activity
    • When linked, all of the contributors innate spells are suppressed and they are unable to use them
    • Any contributor can take the role of Pilot, and can take all the normal actions granted by a regular helm, or their hull. The normal limit of one Pilot per round still applies
    • The remaining contributors only have access to the Change Perspective, Take Control, and Feed the Helm actions
    • To provide power to the helm, all contributors need to Feed the Helm an innate spell that has a number per day usage.
    • The lowest spell rank provided is the effective spell rank level used to calculate the actual speed rating provided by the helms, just as for a regular helm
Series Helm - ITEM 10

Size 5ft Long, 5ft Wide, 5ft High
BP - 4
When installed on a Hull, these helms allows creatures with innate spells to take the Link to Helm activity and provide motive power for a ship. Most ships have multiple of these installed.

Spell Rank to Speed

Speed PointsSpell rank required to reach it
Item type
Power Storage / Generator


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