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House Cozar

In the early years of Bral transitioning from a pirate haven to an actual port town, a savvy pirate Captain named Cozar realized that the days of bawdy houses and taverns would be buried under the weight of legitimate business ventures and the pirates were quickly becoming outnumbered by the lay folk. Even the most successful pirates were looking to settle in and retire from the void. Taking his cue he started to quietly buy up all the land on the Rock. Using any means at his disposal he offered generous perpetual leases that could be inherited to the majority of the merchant class, disposed of weaker pirate captains that would try to oppose him, and offered titles to his allies and strongest adversaries. In a short few months Cozar owned the whole asteroid and named himself Prince. Cozar spent the rest of his reign consolidating power, building up influence, establishing trade for the citizenry, and insuring the underside was as fertile as possible.

He passed the crown to his son Han, who had been lavished with the best education available, and by the time he took over he had mastered arcane spellcraft as well as economics. Han began the era of public works on Bral. Constructing many of the cultural buildings that still see use today as well the great aqueducts that distributes water throughout the city. He expanded on his fathers trade network and expanded it with voyages to the other planes of existence. It was under his watch that the great Mythal was established, that binds any outsider from using any of their extraordinary powers while inside the Rocks gravitational bubble.

Han's son Leo spent his youth adventuring under a false name, starting a tradition in the Cozar family, before working full time for the family as an envoy. By the time he ascended to the throne he was just as politically savvy as his father and grandfather, but the workings of the city had grown complicated. Unlike his father he was not a gifted magic user, nor was he as charismatic as his grandfather, so he had to rely on advisers and allies to help administer the running of the city. He also did not enjoy the spotlight, and avoided public speaking. This inadvertently started to spread the shine of the crown to his advisers.

Prince Frun also spent his youth adventuring, but unlike his father he never acquired the sense of duty or obligation towards the city or it's people. He was charismatic, and he exceled at the maneuvering of the court. Unfortunately he also had a taste for the extravagant and was addicted to the attention that the Prince of the great city of Bral could command. He began to squander the family fortunes on parties, focusing all his attention on their orchestration. He ceded much of his authority to his advisors, and as the trusted allies of his father were slowly replaced with his friends, those advisers started to suggest nepotistic business ventures that would drain the coffers of the crown. As a cost savings measure the Prince contracted the defense of the city to several mercenary companies, and paid a large endowment to The Elven Armada handle any threats from deep space.
Slowly the savvy of the monied class started to shift their investments elsewhere, furthering the decline in taxes. The Prince started to look for other more desperate venture and lenders, and his fatal flaw was to entertain a Neogi enclave, who after being insulted by the prince dropped a meteorite on the city.

Frun's two sons returned from their adventuring in the aftermath of the Neogi Gift and found their father shut in to the palace drinking himself to death. Most of his advisers had absconded with what they could carry an the city was hemorrhaging people and capital, and a series of slums were left to run themselves. They started to do the work of restoring the city while they waited for their father to snap out of it, and when he didn't his eldest son Prince Calar took the crown. Calar was valorous man of action; all expectations were that he would lead by the sword much as he had while he was adventuring. He never had a chance to prove it. Six day's into his reign he disappeared. A week later his body was found jettisoned into space with the refuse.

The second son of Frun, Andru took the crown. A hasty investigation into his brothers death had found a plot orchestrated by one of their fathers advisers and the Illithid nation to weaken the crown. After a speedy trial that adviser was put to death over his protestations of innocence.

Andru has proven to be a capable ruler and has begun to reconstruct the city. Spending his personal wealth from his adventuring days and securing loans from HAMMER he has cleaned up the wreckage from the Gift and started to rebuild many of the public infrastructures that had declined in his father and grandfather's days.


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