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Lizardmen in Space

The first Lizardmen in space were probably slaves captured by Illithid or Humans, used for their brute strength. Those first few generations were similar in temperament to their terrestrial cousins, but after generations in space this adaptable ancestry has become more sophisticated and cerebral; though they are still just as emotional and impulsive. The Lizardmen believe this adaptation is due to being in closer proximity to the sun of whatever system they are in, and there is actually evidence for this hypothesis. What passes for a cornerstone of lizardman society is the push to bring more intelligent young into existence. To ensure this most Lizardmen enclaves run a small fleet of nursery ships that take clutches of eggs closer to the suns so that the unhatched can bath in its beneficial rays.



The most common heritage in space. Enclaves have been known to convert the holds of their ships into pools so that they have water for relaxing in.


Probably the second most common. Their additional hardiness is a boon for many captains, and it is not uncommon to see them employed by a Gnome or Goblin as they are hard to burn.


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