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Orbus Socket

As Beholders do not sit, and luckily only an extreme minority have any casting abilities on top of their fearsome eyestalks; their Tyrant Ships do not have Helms. Instead, the Beholders have worked with the Arcane to develop the Orbi and a device to slot them into their ships. These stunted mutated beholders are little more than mindless Drones. Most Tyrant ships need at least 2 Orbi to loft, but some of their larger ships can require 5 or more. Beholders are very paranoid about their deformed spawn falling into the wrong hands, those hands being anyone other than theirs, and will not hesitate to disintegrate them if they look like they are going to loose their ship.


  • Each ship that is propelled by Orbi need both the Orbi and the socket to harnes their power.
  • Most ships need more than one Orbus to loft their Tonnage, to a maximum of 140 tonnage
    • An individual Orbus Socket is required for every Orbus that is on duty
    • Each Orbus needs to take the Link to Helm to link to a socket
    • When linked, an Orbi's main eye is suppressed
    • Each on duty Orbus provides 20 tonnage of lift
    • A fully lofted hull has a Speed rating of 2
    • For each Orbus on duty in excess of the ammount required for lift, increases the speed by 1 (Max Speed rating of 6 or 5 for Huge or Larger ships)
  • The Hive Mother usually assumes the role of "Pilot", and the Orbi listen to them to the exclusion of everything else.
  • Even thought they do not complain, Orbi are living creatures, and they can only work a 12hr shift before they are tapped out and need to rest

Orbus Socket - ITEM 10

Size 10ft Long, 10ft Wide, 1ft High
BP - 3
  When installed on a Hull, this allows an Orbus to take the Link to Helm activity and provide motive power for a ship. Most ships have multiple of these installed.

Orbus - CREATURE 4

Orbi are mutated, stunted, and mindless. They are used as living engines for Beholder ships, and are one of the most prized possessions of the crew, who will destroy them instead of letting anyone else have them. The eyestalks of the Orbus never matured into full eyes, and it's primary eye while still giving off the Ancestries signature antimagic ray, is permanently Blinded
Perception +6 (Hearing; imprecise; Blind)
Skills None

STR +2 , DEX +2 , CON +3 , INT -5 , WIS -5 , CHA -5

AC 18
Saving Throws Fort 11, Ref 11, Will 14
HP60 - Immunities Prone - Weaknesses Blind
Speed 0; 20ft Fly
Melee Bite +9 (Magical) Damage 2d6+5
Special Abilities Antimagic Cone The Orbus central eye creates an area of antimagic, as in the antimagic field spell, in a 60-foot-cone. As an , the Orbus can activate or deactivate this field or change the direction it's pointing. The area works against other beholder's eye rays.
Hover The Orbus can hover in place without spending an action, and they automatically succeed at all Acrobatics checks to Maneuver in Flight.

Spell Rank to Speed

Speed PointsSpell rank required to reach it
Item type
Power Storage / Generator


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