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Pool Helm

These experimental helms are a collaboration between the Arcane and the Illithid. By tapping into the briny pools that the mindflayers use to breed their tadpoles the Arcane were able to use their naciente psionic powers to propel a ship.
These helms are usually installed on the Illithid navy's capitol ships, rumors about them include the ability to loft upwards of 200 Tonnage, or that even some can carry the domineering elder brains of ancestry.


  • The Pool helm takes up one expansion bay
  • The Speed Points and lift of a pool helm depends on what is swimming in the pool
    • If powered with tadpoles the speed = 4 and lift = 100
    • If powered by an Elder Brain the speed = 6 and lift = 200
  • There is one helm attached to the pool, the pilot sits here and can take all the actions granted by a traditional Helms or from your Hull.
  • A ship that is equipped with a Pool Helm can be piloted by a non-caster/no innate spells. To do the Link to Helm Activity they need to make an Arcana or Occultism check with the DC of the Hulls pilot DC. Once linked they can take any action that a normal pilot can take.
  • The pool strains the Air Envelope the same as 5 medium creatures

Pool Helm - ITEM 15

Size 20ft Long, 20ft Wide, 20ft Tall
BP - 15
Expansion Bays - 1
This experimental helm harvests the psionic power of Illithid tadpoles to provide motive power for a ship.


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