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The Sphere

The smallest of the 3 spheres in the Radiant Triangle, Realmspace is a heliocentric sphere about 6,400 million miles (MM) across. On the interior of the shell are glyphs and wards inscribed in 10 mile high caricatures and seem to roam around the shell. Looking at these glyphs is harmless, but if anyone tries to inspect one of them magically they act like a Glyph of Warding that can contain any spell and is triggered on the inspector. Any attempt to write down or duplicate these glyphs just fails to work. The other notable feature of the shell is the pseudo-stars that shine with never ending light. Each of these stars is in reality a portal to the quasi-elemental plane of Radiance. Their sizes range from a few yards across to hundreds of miles across, and the vast majority are large enough to sail into if you are feeling suicidal as even being in their proximity you can feel the heat coming from the plane. They dot the inside of the sphere, and tend to be thousands of miles apart.

Astronomical Bodies

Below is the list of astronomical bodies that make up Realmspace listed from center to outer most.

The Sun

Type - Spherical fire body
Size - approx 1MM across
Satellites - 8 Planetoids
Day Length - 37hrs
Year Length - N/A
Inhabitants - Extraplanar creatures from the plane of Fire
The Sun is the central orbital attractor for Realmspace.
Between the relative small size of the sphere, the portals to the plane of radiance, and the fury of the sun keep the interior of the sphere a comfortable 75 degrees in the spheres wildspace.
The surface of the body is dotted with portals to the elemental plane of fire. Denizens from that plane have set up residence on the sun, but do not welcome visitors.
Spelljammers that can deal with the heat of approaching the sun are usually attacked and brought down without any conversation.
Cranky locals and intense heat are not the only hazards around the sun. The most terrifying is the Sargasso, 12 invisible spherical dead magic zones that are about 1KM across that are spread in an equidistant orbit about 40m miles off the surface. If a ship runs into one of these the it drops into tactical speed and coasts until it makes it across (275 miles per Speed point per day). Hopefully the crew didn't hit it center on and has enough food/water/and air to make it across. Helms can sense these, and the round before a ship enters one the pilot gets a sense of vertigo much like standing on the edge of a cliff.


Type - Spherical earth body
Size - approx 1KM across
Satellites - None
Day Length - 12hrs
Year Length - 30 Days
Inhabitants - Halflings, Umber Hulks
Being the closest planet to the sun it is primarily a sun baked barren wasteland. The equatorial badlands take up 70% of the planet. Nothing can survive long in these scared lands, except for the Umber Hulks.
The other 30% is a verdant polar region on both poles inhabited by Halflings.
The northern pole is a democratic but haughty and insular society. There are only 4 ports open to Spelljammers, and outsiders are kept in regularly patrolled reservations that border on the badlands "for their own good". The locals are more than happy to trade repairs, air, food and other agrarian commodities for weapons, magic, and worked metal. Any attempt to land anywhere other than the approved place will be met with deadly force. The southern pole is a despotic anarchy. Life here is dominated by familial warfare where stronger families rule what they can maintain through fear and violence. Any attempt to land a ship there will be met with any halfling in in hearing distance attempting to steal it as a way to alter the power struggle for their family.


Type - Spherical air body
Size - approx 86KM across
Satellites - None
Day Length - 30hrs
Year Length - 240 days
Inhabitants - Tengu, Lizardmen, Dragons
Below the 100M thick cloud cover of this gas giant, is a cacophony of thousands of smaller earth and water bodies that orbit the central gravitational point of the planet. Some of these are as small as a couple feet in diameter upwards of some that are 20 miles across with mountains and lakes.
These islands all orbit at different speeds with the upper ones eclipsing the lower ones daily. There isn't any direct sunlight, but the diffuse light from the sun is enough to brightly light the sky, making permanent day under the clouds. on about 50 of the uppermost islands are tall wooden spires that poke out of the cloud cover. These spires are the markers for the planets space ports, Spelljammers use these to guide them safely through the clouds like a lighthouse beacon. The spaceports are operated 50/50 between the Tengu and the Lizardmen. Both ancestries trade food, water, air, repairs and gems for technology, magic and weapons for the constant skirmishes between them. For their part the dragons of Coliar stay out of it. They are content to take care of themselves and their immediate families, and play both sides in the Tengu/Lizardman aggressions.


Type - Spherical earth body
Size - approx 8.6KM across
Satellites - 1 Moon, Asteroid cluster
Day Length - 24hr
Year Length - 365 Days
Inhabitants - Everyone
The most populated, well known, and diverse planet in Realmspace. The learned and powerful of the Heartlands have conspired to keep the existence of spelljamming secret from the common people. It isn't a verry well kept secret but outside of the 2 "open" spelljamming ports of Waterdeep and Calimshan a captain that lands can expect hostility.
Even in the open ports a ship has to land/liftoff outside of the view of the city and float in under sail. Break this law in Waterdeep and your ship will be confiscated and you face 12 years of indentured servitude. In Calimshan, they will just kill you.
On the continent of Kara-Tur Spelljammers are known to everyone. The nation of Shou Lung operates a fleet of Dragonship and actively courts trade with wildspace. The capitol city of Chunming even has an Arcane trading outpost.

Selûne and the Tears

Type - Spherical earth body
Size - approx 2.7KM across
Satellites - none
Day Length - 30 days
Year Length - 30 days
Inhabitants - Elves and Humans
The moon of Toril is tidally locked to the planet, so only one face of the moon is ever shown to the planet. Truth is that face is covered by a hemisphere sized illusion that was put there by the goddess Lliira to protect her people.
And her people are a society of hedonists that make their home on the moon. The moon has one port on the dark side, where the residents import all manor of luxury and excess. Their only real export is the art they create. The residents are paranoid of an invasion from the planet and despite the teachings of Lliira endlessly prepare for this "imminent attack".
The Tears are a cluster of asteroids that popped into existence one day almost 5,000 years ago. No one knows were they come from but most Ancestries have a legend that explains their creation. The assorted sized asteroids are dragged behind Selûne in her orbit of Toril, but they do have a central point that they orbit in their fashion. A mysterious castle was brought to being at the same time as the Tears and act as their gravitational center. No divination or expedition has shed any light on the castle, it's purpose or who lives there, and the only signs of life are the flocks of ravens seen flying around the island. Among the other asteroids there are hideouts and smaller outposts for pirates and slavers to sally forth from, but the only real port of call is The Rock of Bral, a city sized asteroid that is the center of wildspace trade in Realmspace.


Type - Spherical water body
Size - approx 4KM across
Satellites - None
Day Length - 24hrs 12min
Year Length - 650 Days
Inhabitants - Azarketi, Beholders
Beautiful and hostile, this water body is the purest example of such this side of the plane of water. There are no motes of land at and it is crystal clear allowing visibility for hundreds of feet. The polar region is frozen solid, never getting above -10, and any ship that lands here needs to take great care to not get frozen to the ice.
The equatorial band is a is a bed of seaweed and kelp thick enough to land small craft on. Care should taken as colossal insect life lives in the morass and humanoids are a nice change of diet from other insects. Between the poles and the equator there is no solid ground to be found. Despite the crystal clarity of the water it is teeming with microorganisms and to drink it without processing it will cause illness. All manor of sea life can be found in the waters, and spelljamming whalers often come here for their prize. The local Azarketi population are not interested in trading or even talking and usually attack any ship sailing the surface under the suspicion that anyone who is there means to poach their territory. There are a family of beholderkin that live deep in the center of the planet, but what they have not surfaced to interact with anyone in known history.
The only other object of interest is a derelict space platform made by by welding together seven Man-o-War ships. The station used to be operational but an attack by the Illithid left it unmanned and wrecked it's air envelope. Any ship that enters it's gravity bubble looses it's air to the larger mass and is in trouble as their envelope becomes Spent Air


Type - Spherical water body
Size - approx 324KM across
Satellites - None
Day Length - 48hrs
Year Length - 2,010 Days
Inhabitants - Humans, Dwarves, and Orcs
Chandos is an oddity of a planet; the water is filled with irregular rocks that shift and flip as the tidal forces of the planets rotation work on them. Likened to a box of marbles filled with water most captains refuse to land on the planet for fear that the extra weight of the ship could cause a shift in the landmass.
There are no spaceports on Chandos, nor even any real permanent structures. All three ancestries that call this planet home are nomadic, and they spend their time gathering food, avoiding the carnivorous plant life, and fighting each other in a feud so old none remember the start of it. Rumor has it that if a space jamming captain can manage to navigate all the known hazards of the planet and figure out how to stabilize a chunk of the crust long enough to mine it, there are great veins of metal and gems to be mined.


Type - Spherical earth body
Size - approx 7.8KM across
Satellites - 3 Moons and rings
Day Length - 30hrs 30 min
Year Length - 10,800 days
Inhabitants - Illithid
The scoured landscape of Glyth is mostly barren and the resident Mindflayers like it that way. The planets air envelope is mostly ruined, as the locals have burned down most of the forests that had dotted this planet. Acid rain storms are common, further depressing any plant life.
The locals do keep a few forests around the equator, where they "ranch" humanoids using selective breeding and tailored education to produce the best most nuance flavored minds that can be bred in captivity. The rest of the population live under the surface of the planet where they are safe from the acid rains. Water on the planet is a jelly like substance. If consumed it does quench thirst as water.


Type - Spherical earth body
Size - approx 8M across
Positioned in the ring system that belts the planet, Haven is actually a hollowed out asteroid that is used as neutral ground for all factions of Illithid.
Here they can meet and trade or perform other diplomatic functions. Outriders are not exactly welcome, but if their business is important enough or they can call on enough back up they stand a good chance of sailing out of the asteroid at the conclusion of their business

Mingabwe and Polluter

Type - Spherical earth bodies
Size - approx 500M and 14M across
Orbital Period - Appros 30days
Mingabwe orbits the plant at about 235KM. This small planetoid is covered in lush vegetation despite the harsh ever present cold and ice.
The society that make it home here has no real government but they do have a spaceport. Surprisingly there is very little crime on the planetoid, mostly because there is no place to hide out here.
Polluter is a potato shaped rock that orbits Mingabwe and is covered in ice. It has no atmosphere and has never been explored or mapped out.


Type - Cluster Earth body
Size - approx 28M across and 60M tall
Satellites - 12 moons
Day Length - 128hrs
Year Length - 30,660 days
Inhabitants - Yggdrasil's Child, Pirates
This "planet" is actually innumerable asteroids between 5M and 10M in size that are held together by the roots of a 60 mile tall tree. This tree, Yggdrasil's Child, grows and goes through the normal annual cycle of a deciduous tree as it makes it's 84 year orbit.
A true ecosystem of smaller animals and other perennial plants has sprung up around the tree. Most ships that stop at Garden use it as a larder to restock while this far out, and most captains heed the advise of the sages and dump their brackish water or other organic refuse on the rocks, understanding that keeping the tree healthy is good for everyone. Amongst the roots and asteroids is Peatbog, a small enclave of pirates that is treated as neutral ground for parley.

The 12 Moons

The 12 moons of Garden orbit well outside the planets air envelope. Each planetoid has it's own unique environment.
Grandchild - 13M perfectly spherical moon
Yerthad - 395M spherical moon is blanketed in sulfuric acid that damages any ship that enters it's atmosphere
Peaceon - a 1M x 17M flat plane used to be a stop over for the Elven Armada. It's lone building still stands
Retinae - a 121M sphere with a prominent crater gives this moon the appearance of an eye, hence it's name.
Glorianus - 3M x 2M crescent shaped moon is covered in grass. Inhabited by 1 Druid who has lived there as long as memory
Fjord - 69M spherical moon with no atmosphere. Abandoned mining colony.
Locci - 100ft x 100ft x 300ft perfect rectangle of a moon, It has no atmosphere.
Dragon Rock - 121M x 32M man made moon shaped roughly in the shape of a dragon, carved out of white jade.
Knurl - 60M sphere of marble.
Sunson - 200M spherical fire body. Burns blue and twice as hot as the sun
Templar - 50M x 12ft coin shaped moon is a scientific outpost inhabited by sages of every discipline from across the know spheres that want to study Yggdrasil's Child.
Farworld - 111M spherical moon is a very successful trading outpost.


Type - Coin shaped water body
Size - approx 6.9KM across x 300M thick
Satellites - 2 moons
Day Length - Always
Year Length - 60,120 days
Inhabitants - Beholders
This odd planet is a large coin shaped planet that is almost entirely water. the only land is the Spindle, dead center of the coin. This, the tallest mountain in Realmspace, is over 1,000ft height and it's tip is shrouded in a massive storm.
The planet's rotational axis is through the Spindle, and the planet is also tidally locked to the sun, this means that as the planet orbits through it's year the effect is like a wheel turning. Both moons of the planet orbit along the "rim" of the coin, creating tides that circle the planet.
The only sentient life on the planet is different breeds of Beholders that are fighting over the Spindle. There are 6 different spaceports at the base of the Spindle, each operated by a different breed of beholder, but the only outsiders that are welcome without a very good reason are the Arcane. Everyone else had better have trade goods that are desperately wanted or information worth paying for.

Turnbetl and Lumbe

Turnbetl - is a 980M spherical earth body moon that is closest to the planet. The only notable thing about it is it's atmosphere reacts explosively with Oxygen.
Lumbe - is a 600ft x 75ft metal cylinder. The moon has no external atmosphere, but if you enter one of the two doors in it you find a nicely appointed study and lab for the discerning arcanist.

Other Bodies of Interest

Tir Geal Plate

Tir Geal Plate is a shipbuilding facility that is nestled in the L1 orbital slot of Toril

The Scarlet Harbor

Scarlet Harbor is citadel that is run by the Wayfarer's Coterie inside the Sphere located near the point where the Phlogiston flow from Krynnspace buffets the realmspace sphere.
Solar System

Astronomical Distances

50MM - 12hrs
100MM - 1 day
200MM - 2 days
300MM - 3 days
400MM - 4 days
1,000MM - 10 days
1,200MM - 12 days
1,600MM - 16 days
3,200MM - 32 Days


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