The Known World

Known World Image cover
  The World of Rodinia is a large place. Much of it is unexplored and unknown by the inhabitants of the globe. The extents of the Known World are about 3,500 miles across by about 1,800 miles from top to bottom. Scholars have determined that the Known World is probably actually located in the northern hemisphere of the planet as there are icy tundras in the north and dense, hot jungles in the south. The Known World of Rodinia is split into three main continents: Khemit in the west, Rodinia in the centre and Lucarcia in the east. Rodinia is the largest and holds the most significant civilisation known on the planet, that of the Empire of Rodinia which ultimately gives the world its name.   As a place to adventure, Rodinia is rich and varied with many different cultures to savour, myriad ruins to explore and countless dangerous creatures to face and overcome.   Rodinia is a humanocentric world with the majority of settled and civilised lands being controlled by humans. There are nations of other races, notably Fey kingdoms hidden in the large forests which swath the landscape and dwarven strongholds dug deep and secure underground, but the large majority are Human lands.   Outside the civilised lands, in the heights of the mountains or the depths of dark foreboding marshes lay the lairs of many a foul creature. Dragons roost in extinct volcanoes, Orc chieftains control areas outside the patrols of king or emperor and undead lords claim dominion over lands no Human would care to settle.   Magic is a force to be reckoned with in Rodinia, with arcane sorcerers and holy priests wielding great power and able to make the fantastical and unnatural happen at their whim. The common man fears and respects these great magic users and is all too aware that such people have control over things which are best not dwelt upon by mortals.   This gazetteer allows the interested visitor the chance to stroll easily along the busy streets of a hot, dusty Khemit bazaar, to drift through the lazy and peaceful countryside of Albion's feudal kingdom. The powerful and civilised empire of Rodinia can be explored, following the legions across their conquered lands, or the exotic lands of The Empire of Honshu can be seen through the eyes of a devoted samurai warrior.  


  • The Known World
Included Organizations
Characters in Location
Inhabiting Species


... 2474 BR

  • 10000 BR

    The Fey
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Fey arrive in the lands now called The Known World.

  • 7000 BR

    The Dwarves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Dwarves appeared from their subterranean homes.

  • 6600 BR

    The Orcs
    Disaster / Destruction

    The orcs came up into the lands from the depths of the earth where they had been spawned.

  • 6000 BR

    Diplomatic action

    A tenuous balance was established between Fey, Dwarf and Orc.

  • 3000 BR

    The Humans
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans arrived on the shores of The Known World.

  • 2500 BR

    Expansion East
    Population Migration / Travel

    Humans moved east and discovered the Rodinian Continent.

First Age

  • 2471 BR

    The First Age
    Era beginning/end

    The First Age of Rodinia began.

  • 1023 BR

    The Empire of Elam Forms

    The Empire of Elam forms. It would last over three hundred years and dominate the whole continent in that time.

    Additional timelines
  • 781 BR

    Albion Forged

    The great chieftain Eldred finally succeeded in driving the Orcs back into the Jagged Peaks, united the tribes of the lands, named himself king and formed The Kingdom of Albion .

    Additional timelines
  • 720 BR

    The Empire of Elam Collapses

    The Empire of Elam collapses. The nation of Elam remains but is relatively weak.

    Additional timelines
  • 540 BR

    Lucarcia Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    Humans discovered another continent even further east. It would be seven hundred years before this was called the Lucarcian Continent.

    Additional timelines
  • 350 BR

    15 Fox
    350 BR

    21 Snake

    The Reign of Terror
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Demon Prince walked the land and there was blight everywhere.   His banishment signalled the end of the First Age of Rodinia.

    Additional timelines

Second Age

Third Age