The Fey arrive in the lands now called The Known World.
The orcs came up into the lands from the depths of the earth where they had been spawned.
The First Age of Rodinia began.
The Empire of Elam forms. It would last over three hundred years and dominate the whole continent in that time.
The great chieftain Eldred finally succeeded in driving the Orcs back into the Jagged Peaks, united the tribes of the lands, named himself king and formed The Kingdom of Albion .
The Empire of Elam collapses. The nation of Elam remains but is relatively weak.
Humans discovered another continent even further east. It would be seven hundred years before this was called the Lucarcian Continent.
The Demon Prince walked the land and there was blight everywhere. His banishment signalled the end of the First Age of Rodinia.
The City of Rodin was founded. This marked a significant moment in the history of the world as the Rodinian Empire would form around this settlement - a civilization which would eventually give its name to the very world itself.
The lands of Honshu came under the control of one man, the Exulted One, Emperor of Honshu.
The Emperor Lucar, realizing that the Writhing Death was going to destroy the entire Rainbow Empire, ordered its destruction. This split the land into four islands and caused the end of the Rainbow Empire. A new empire was formed, called the Lucarcian Empire.
The Empire of Lucarcia lasted for about five hundred years.
The Chaos Wars raged across the Kingdom of Albion. These were the events of the Albion I Campaign.
The heroes of Magma Force confronted the agents of The Demon Prince, led by Embril Aloustinai and Sir Mangarak. These times were the events of the Shackled City Campaign.
The Known World goes to war! Rodinian legions invade Athena. These are the events of The World in Ruin Campaign.