Unbeholden Reaches Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Unbeholden Reaches

“So as these realms of stars are, so once were all realms that are now counted amongst the Imperium of Man: rich with the fear and darkness, and rank with the smell of secrets that belong to the dead.”
–attributed to Rogue Trader Solomon Haarlock

  Beyond the larger nebulae of the Koronus Expanse are regions visited only by the silent Disciples of Thule and few others. Tales are told of ghost-vessels, beauteous but deserted worlds, dust-nebulae that claim the souls of the damned and forsaken---and of course, wealth beyond measure, awaiting the courageous Rogue Traders who will claim it. Among other dangers, the Eldar Corsairs known as the Crow Spirits hunt here.


  In the far corner of the Koronus Expanse, Rimward of the The Foundling Worlds and Trailing of the Accursed Demense lies the region of the subsector named the Unbeholden Reaches. Shielded by the Alenic Depths, it is only accessible by passing close to ‘Undred-’Undred-Teef, or passing up through the Rifts of Hecaton before heading down. The difficulty of reaching these region means that it is ill-explored by Rogue Traders, and the first ships laden with fabulous treasures have begun to come back to Footfall, inspiring rumours and great salvage fleets fuelling up ready to plunder its depths.


Unique Equipment


Caged Songbird

  These tiny, winged mechanical birds were originally thought of as simple baubles, remnants of one of the many extinct civilizations that dot the Unbeholden Reaches, their soothing warbles fit for shipboard amusement in many a Rogue Trader’s quarters to help pass the long days of travel. It was Captain Reddertun Kavile who first reported their greater worth, when his began to shriek loudly shortly before his Gellar Field suffered a severe fluctuation. Kavile made the connection, and after some very risky testing established that they could indeed sense intrusions of the warp. Now the birds can be found more often on bridges than in cabins, their uncanny and as-yet unexplained ability to preternaturally detect an approaching Gellar Field failure a prized part of any vessel. If the ship suffers a Gellar Field failure or fluctuation, this item will provide a warning 1d10 Rounds beforehand. They will also warn the bearer if they are within 10 metres of a daemon, although this is not a guarantee (certain daemons can disguise their presence, and this ability is left to the GM’s discretion).

WT .5kg, Extremely Rare
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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