Session XXXIII: Should I stay or should I go? - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XXXIII: Should I stay or should I go? - Report

General Summary

The Crew found it's self at the precipice of a decision that could have long term effects for them. They knew the governor was waiting for something but they didn't know what and they didn't know when and right now the WHEN of it all was incredibly important. The walls of the city were about to be breached by untold legions of Necrons and the living populace was doomed. This whole planet was screwed for that matter, just another place that the team would not be visiting for a long time, it ever again. The Necrons had won already it was only a matter of time and the party had to decide if they had time enough for one more caper or not.   Bjorn eventually decided that they were already here so they might as well see if they could make some hay while the sun was still shining for these last few moments. Rasp being more logical and focused on survival than the others took Brother Alfonse with him and moved to take control of the Governor's ship while the others ran across town to the governor's spire to see if they could get to the bottom of their questions.   Rasp and Brother Alfonse reached their destination first, near the edges of the fortified city. Alfonse readied his weapons and looked to the Tech-Priest for direction on whether or not extreme force would be called for. Rasp had another idea. They 'looked' like they belonged there and who would deny one of the Holy Emperor's angels of death. Rasp looked to the superhuman and gave him a wave of his hand asking him to nonverbally play it cool.   The pair strode up to the entrance to the underground bunker they had discovered housed the governor's ship. The PDF guards at the door unshouldered their las carbines in a warning gesture and one raised his hand saying "halt". "State your business here, sir." Rasp had an inward smile at this point as the rebreather laden Mechanicus adept simply stated that they were here to board the governor's ship and that he would be overseeing the ship's engineerium.   With little information given from the governor combined with their urgent desire to leave this planet, along with Brother Alfonse casting a menacing shadow over them the door guards stepped aside and welcomed the two men aboard. Brother Alfonse wasn't pleased about the lie but he was pleased that he didn't have to cut down loyal imperials for following their orders so the situation was a wash in his mind, no harm done. The two immediately made their way to the bridge and promptly began issuing orders as though Rasp were suddenly the captain. With no reason to doubt the tech priest with a space marine in tow the crew began preparation to lift off in a frantic blur of activity.   Back at the governor's spire the remaining members of the Crew got as far as the front door and were greeted by a very similar problem. The guards there had been given orders to not allow anyone in. They stopped Bjorn and his companions outside and the group was heavily considering murdering them and forcing their way upstairs when the guards saw Ani more closely. They noticed her non-human features and muttered among themselves briefly. They then turned back to the group and said "the Eldar can go up. She's expected."   Ani was confused but happy to not have to kill anyone else. She asked if Bjorn could come with her and the guards cautiously agreed. Ani and her 'bodyguard' Bjorn then ascended the spire together taking a antigrav lift to the top. Once they arrived they were in the lobby outside a whole floor office. The two large double doors were firmly closed but strange fluctuating sounds were able to be heard from the other side.   Bjorn suddenly decided that the juice wasn't worth the squeeze and made for the lift again. Ani didn't want to go back empty handed and convinced him that coming all this way was pointless if they don't at least try and find out what is going on. Bjorn wasn't thrilled with the prospect of more shots being taken at him but he nodded in agreement and booted in the door with sudden force.   As the doors split open the scene in front of the two Rogue Traders was very peculiar indeed. A portal or rift has open on one side of the gigantic office and inside it was a person of similar bearing to Ani but they were more gaunt, paler, more severe looking and their armor bore many more spikes than Aeldari they'd encountered so far. A small device was located just under the portal giving off an intense whining noise. Near the portal was Governor Von Burga holding some weird triangular object made of the same black stone as the Necron tomb but this one lit internally by the strange green energy the group had seen the Necron's powering their technology with. The object seemed restless in the hand of the human, rattling and shaking as though in anticipation of something. The Eldar in the portal reacted first with surprise to the sign of intruders and that gave Bjorn and opportunity to shoot the object stationed beneath the portal. It exploded with some violence and the portal closed with the frustrated scream of the xeno being cut off abruptly.    Ani tried to subdue the governor and as the port closed the governor and his men tried to counter attack the unexpected assault. In the end the governor was incapacitated and the team left below forced their way past the guards at the entrance and entered the building. After everyone had regrouped and the governor lay on the floor the elevator chimed once again but this time another Aeldari or perhaps a dark cousin exited the elevator with a squad of PDF. The Eldar woman demanded the governor be returned to her and made not mention of a bargain being struck. Bjorn was fully over this situation and simply shot the governor in the head to end the discussion.   Battle broke out again but it was short lived with Stig and Murk cleaving bloody swaths through the new aggressors and loosing the woman's arm from her body. The woman passed out from her blood loss and the team tried to stabilize her. After a few moments they thought they were good enough to move the unconscious Eldar so they could extra information later. Taking her with them away form the slaughter house that used to be an office the team headed for their new vessel reclaimed from the Governor's clutches. Bjorn micro-beaded ahead to Rasp and asked if the ship was ready to launch.    Aboard the scout sloop Rasp got the message and had a moment of consultation with Brother Alfonse. Just when it seemed like Rasp was finally going to free himself from the madcap heretical decisions of the rest of the crew he decided with great consternation that he would stay long enough for his crewmates to board. The space marine may of disagreed with Rasp decision but it never showed through the fully encased helmet he wore. The mountain of armor didn't even shift his weight to give away any part of his thought processes.    On the path to the ship the night air seemed to congeal and condense in front of Bjorn and his crew. From the forming void stepped the Necron Lord Nectataten the Ever-Cautious. He wasted no time and extended his metallic boney hand gesturing to the weird triangular object they had recovered from the governor. The team negotiated that their boon was paid and that if Nectataten wanted the tear of Isha aboard the Eternal Perdition he would have to seek it himself. The Necron Lord acquiesced after some thought but mad a caveat of his own, vowing that they were no longer safe from him or his forces once they left this planet behind and should he encounter them again there would be no discussion or mercy. No one expected any in the first place so they promptly agreed, returned the strange triangle and hurried along as the Necron Lord with burning eyes watched after them only to be once again enveloped by the darkness as he was fading from sight.    As the crew boarded the Sloop Brother Alfonse allowed the newcomers to know his thoughts as he told 'Captain Rasp' that preflight calculations had been accomplished and they were ready to launch to space. Rasp gave himself a chuckle and gave the order. The Viper Class sloop's holds split open the surface of the city causing destruction and death behind it. Mostly human assuredly but it couldn't be helped. Staying on the planet any longer was untenable. The crew watched from a viewport as Ritammeron fell away behind them, hopefully they would never need to return.

Rewards Granted

  • +3 xp
  • 118 total xp
  • Ani +15xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +15xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +6xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +9xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +19xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (Completed)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Complete)
  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - (Completed)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (Completed)
  • The Yve of Destruction - Phase 1
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 Complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 Complete, Objective 2 failed, Objective 3, - Complete, Objective 4 - Paused.)

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Primary Location


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