Kitsu Oyumi

Kitsu-Dayaki-Riro Oyumi was the single child of Mayaki, before she died, and Osanu's first of four. Oyumi thought at a young age that she would be a Matsu, but the kami had other ideas for her. She didn't realize when she was young that telling her father that she heard them would get her shifted out of her bushi training and right into a shugenja school, which she absolutely hated. Along with leading an uncomfortable life with her father blaming her for the loss of his wife passive-aggressively, Oyumi was now learning things she never cared to learn, taken away from the sword.   Her refusal to pay too much attention in her classes lead her father to take her katana from her--and this lead to a game of cat and mouse that proceeded to drive a wedge inbetween herself and her father irreparably. Oyumi treated her father with disrespect, even in the view of strangers, and frequently stole his own daisho to practice. While this got her a fair amount of beatings, her father was not evil, and never escalated above discipline levels. When Oyumi reached Gempakku, she was supposed to duel the other shugenja. Instead of using her magic, she used her wakazashi, and while she passed, her father immediately had her evicted from the household before she could influence her then very young half-brother.   Provided a small hut to live in and now a young adult, Oyumi was free to teach herself however she wanted to teach herself, but her Kitsu teacher did not give up. She was sent on various tasks that directly required her to use her ofuda, preferably in a non-hostile way. Healing huts, travel escort, and the like. Oyumi has, despite all this, gotten her hands on primarily buffing spells, able to make solid arguments for their use in the various tasks she is given, especially when the family is angry enough to send her on almost suicidal missions.



Oyumi is dedicated, without question, to the art of the blade, and as such, she is a master of kenjutsu. While she will never quite stand up to a master Bushi with only swordplay, she is frequently able to hold her own against the less-than-perfect. She's friendly, and kind, and she wants the best for those around her, even when she's angry at them, which is frequent.


Oyumi, while honorable in many of the ways Bushido respects, has a real difficult time with the chain of authority. She sits inelegantly and doesn't talk properly on purpose, directly upsetting traditionalists with intent to cause a stir. She's a black sheep of the Kitsu family, and this has only made her stronger due to her frequent missions in dangerous territory. While her life experience maybe should have taught her to see the bad in people, she tends to believe that everyone tells the truth, and doesn't investigate further than the initial conversation. While sometimes this gets her into bad situations, she finds no fault with herself for believing people will tell her what they mean, as it has worked in her favor more than once to bring about a change of heart in a person who was manipulating her.


Family Ties

Her father, Osanu, cares about her, but he feels pain toward her when she looks so much like her mother. This, and his poor handling of her own mixed feelings about losing her mother, has left them somewhat estranged. Osanu would like to marry her to someone who can handle her and will elevate the family, feeling a strong desire to see her do something that brings honor to the clan as a whole to make up for her misbehavior toward everyone she has known. Oyumi is bitter towards her father, and more bitter towards marriage, finding other people to be boring and frequently irritating. Her stepmother Yukiko would rather she not ever interact with her brothers, pitying Oyumi more than feeling any true hostility, but when Oyumi is home for family gatherings, she gets along well with her 3 half-siblings. The 18 year old has one 13 year old brother named Totoriki, one 8 year old brother named Fuujin, and one 5 year old brother named Paru.

Social Aptitude

Oyumi speaks plainly, like a crab, without mincing words, but more than that, she goes out of her way to offend traditionalists. This makes her extremely grating in a courtly setting, and nobody wants her in one, especially not her family. Outside of the courts, she gets in a lot of trouble with those same traditionalists, and is a fan of duels. It's said that Oyumi tends to get into a duel once a week for her manners.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Yoritomo Raishen


Towards Kitsu Oyumi

Kitsu Oyumi


Towards Yoritomo Raishen

Yoritomo Raishen (spouse)
Gold and Kind
Long, messy and red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation