To be a samurai is to live and breathe Bushidō, but to be a Lion is to exemplify it to all others. The Lion’s roar heralds the call to battle and honor. For centuries, the Lion have dominated the military tactics and strategy of the Empire, pioneering new techniques and battle methods that other clans take years to adopt. Now, this clan’s samurai seek to apply the wisdom of their ancestors to the trials of the modern era. Every samurai who lives in Rokugan measures courage, honor, and duty by the standard set by the Lion Clan. The Lion’s military is unrivaled, as there are no sharper tacticians and no larger armies in all of Rokugan. This proud military heritage has earned the Lion Clan a place as the Right Hand of the Emperor, sworn to protect him by serving as his personal guard and his standing army. In light of this duty, fear means nothing to Lion samurai. The threat of death only serves to embolden them and bolster their courage, for there can be no greater end than to perish in honorable combat. As veterans of countless wars, the Lion know that those who attack first shall be victorious. Above all, the Lion live, breathe, and die for the Emperor and Rokugan. Perhaps the most well-known battlefield warriors in the Emerald Empire, the samurai of the Lion Clan are famous for their ferocity, loyalty, and courage. People expect members of the Lion Clan to be warlike and aggressive, often forgetting that the Kami Akodo was a master tactician as well, more than capable of learning from past mistakes and adapting new stratagems on the battlefield.