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Merchurions were rarely encountered, hulking humanoid-shaped living constructs of liquified metal.   These constructs had well muscled, silvery forms that flowed and shifted like liquid and had a metallic sheen. On average they stood 20 feet (6.1 meters) tall and weighed 12 tons (11,000 kilograms).

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Merchurions preferred warm climates and typically inhabited either the interiors of volcanic mountains or deep underground. Where they wandered or settled down for a time was largely driven by their craving for metal.

Biological Cycle

Despite being living constructs and therefore not requiring nourishment, merchurions mysteriously had a craving to devour metal. With their most preferred type being silver.

Civilization and Culture


One Legend Surrounding the Giant Pantheon tells that during Colossal Wars the Gods tasking a group of Fire Giants, masters at metalsmithing, to create a weapon that could surpass even the adamantine axes of dwarves. After laboring for decades they produced only a strange slag of quicksilver this enraged the God and they threw them into the magma rift that held their creation. Instead of dying, those fire giants were said to have emerged as living constructs of that same metal.   Merchurions typically lived a solitary existence, shunning the company of other creatures. They sometimes formed bands, but these were no larger than six members. Being living constructs they did not reproduce or produce progeny and thus were slowly dying out over time. Much of their lives centered around this, with merchurions obsessively striving to discover a way to create new generations of their kind.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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