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Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Warforged seem to just appear in isolated locations, some have their Old memories from the war up to the deactivation.
other first memory is from activating in an isolated location, often in nature but can appear in ruins or even in back alleys inside cities. What is not known is that there are three ancient factories that dot the land of rondo lost and forgotten to time who craft the automatons are then released them to the world to keep fighting the war, but something has...changed from the original programming, the original creators have not run a maintenance cycles in eons, as none of them survived the war. the factories have somehow corrupted enough to give the Warforged souls but not break down themselves.

Growth Rate & Stages

When Warforged are first activated they have basic comprehension but little understanding of the intricacies of life. Most warforged are normalized to Rondo within 2 years with other a few quirks that are part of their personality.   No known Warforged has died of natural causes or old age.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Warforged have an Alphanumeric designation they are activated with but most take nick names based on either one of the first things they've seen or their role or a fallen comrade that impacted them.

Common Taboos

Never try to disassemble a warforged, you have been warned.


During the Second Great War, the Houses of Candrions and Vartmilirus created warforged to fight for ArcadiaWarforged Fought heavily in the Second Great War slaughtering many magical bloodlines and nations. Many new prototypes and designs were created most of those were lost to type but some modern warforged have found an old component and integrated it into themselves.   Towards the end of the war The House of Candrions disappeared but Rumours persist to this day that some remain at Vartmilirus Manor but it has never been confirmed.
the house of Vartmilirus was completely destroyed in the aftermath of the Second Great War with nothing but their manor north of Bayhollow still standing, even the flower they are named after only exists in the Deathlands as it was over picked for its regenerative effects.   The three factories that actually made the warforged were deactivated along with all the active warforged deactivated. but in recent times People have been noticing warforged around more often old battlefield that had warfoged standing their one by one they reactivated and even more "new" warforged have been appearing around the world in out of the way locations somehow.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Roboticus Homunculus


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