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Modrons are a race of immortals known for their zealous adherence to the principles of law and order above all else. Just as fiends were considered the embodiment of evil and celestials the embodiment of good, so were modrons the embodiment of the universal principle of order.  
  We are the ultimate law. All other law is tainted when compared to us. We are order. All other order disappears when held to our light. We are structure. All other structure crumbles when brought against us. We are perfect law.   — A spokesmodron
They were made by the dead God Primus in the beginning, but he and many modrons fell during the edrich encounter. Now the Modrons follow the laws of the universe to the best of their ability. There have been few interactions with mortals as most who dwell within Rondo are not particularly lawful, except for during the forced order in which Modrons worked with Bane to impose lawfullness upon the land.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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