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  In the region of Baulder Boss, the Tabaxi, a race of cat-like humanoids, have endured a tumultuous history that has shaped their society and culture in unique and fascinating ways. This article delves into the history, society, and culture of the Tabaxi in Baulder Boss, exploring their challenges, resilience, and determination to adapt and survive in a world that has often been unforgiving.  


  The history of the Tabaxi in Baulder Boss is marked by a series of conflicts and power struggles. The Tabaxi once declared war on the Goliaths, a neighbouring race of giant humanoids, with the intention of enslaving them as menial workers. However, the Tabaxi vastly underestimated the Goliaths' strength and numbers, leading to their own defeat and enslavement.  

Society and Culture

  The Tabaxi of Baulder Boss have found themselves subjugated by the Goliaths, who view them as tools rather than individuals. Despite this, the Goliaths have maintained a relatively hands-off approach, allowing the Tabaxi some degree of autonomy and self-determination.
  This has led to the formation of unique organizations like the Clowdered Slave Union, which seeks to free Tabaxi slaves by buying them, training them, and selling their services rather than the individuals themselves. This has created the first union in Rondo and is largely run by crippled Tabaxi who have been cast aside by the Goliaths.
  The Tabaxi culture is a fascinating blend of their own traditions and the influence of the Goliaths. They continue to practice their own customs and beliefs, such as honouring their feline gods and celebrating the beauty of art and storytelling. At the same time, they have adapted to their circumstances, learning to navigate the complex power dynamics of their society.  

Notable Locations

  The Tabaxi of Baulder Boss inhabit several cities and unique locations, including:
  Velvet Cove: A center of hedonistic pleasures, offering everything from drugs to slaves and other vices.
Aylebus: The former capital of the Tabaxi civilization, now serving as the region's slave capital.
Protecting Ridge: A city that once protected the Tabaxi from the Goliaths, now shielding them from dwarven experiments and accidents.
The Naked Bluffs: A unique location where the Goliaths originally resided, known for its harsh and unforgiving landscape.


  The Tabaxi of Baulder Boss are a resilient and resourceful race, navigating the challenges of their history and adapting to the circumstances of their enslavement. Despite the hardships they face, the Tabaxi continue to preserve their rich culture and traditions, while also seeking new ways to gain freedom and autonomy. Tabaxi's story is a testament to the power of adaptability and the strength of the spirit, even in the face of adversity.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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