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In the far eastern badlands lies an insular empire forged on the great plains, and fed by our great inland sea for which this power is named.   Basin, like the others, is a land whose identity Crucible defined. Hers is a character of innovation, invention, steeled resolve, and xenophobia.   Basini territory is the largest on the known continent. It stretches from The Drop to a still unknown eastern boarder, and her fortified cities dot the coastline around the inland sea of Basin.   Her capitol, Kataphrax is the most impenetrable city in all Ros-Cala. Centuries of conflict with outside powers lusting after her vast tracts of remarkably fertile topsoil forced this civilization to adapt to the vast open geography. So they did, and mastered both the art of forts and cavalry. Her legacy is thus: she remains and Crucible does not.


The Basin Sea   The Stassi River and the numerous fortifications along the banks: The Warning, The Mistake, The Promise, and Doom.


Basin has existed long before her rivals. In fact, it is said that the Godmother, empress of Basin, is always a descendent of Connix, one of the legendary Magi Defectors of that bygone, disastrous era. This means that Basin was swallowing legions before Crucible was even a twinkle in old King Evyn's eye.   Swallowing is an apt description, for it is the historic error of conquering forces to be lured deep within the titanic plains and deserts that dominate the land. In this ocean of hills and dunes, supply lines are stretched thin as ribbons on the long march to the Capitol. These are swiftly and viciously harassed by roving bands of cavalry before first contact with a true Basini fort barely three days ride from Kataphrax her self: The Warning.   These forts, ominous in their naming, lay perilously far eastward in wait for any who dare force their way into the Capitol without invitation. With overlapping spheres of influence, communication and coordination between them is swift, and so entrenched are they that only once did mighty Crucible ever assault Kataphrax.   Distance is great Arbiter of Basin. The majority of her population lives on the main peninsula, in the lands just beyond and within range of a fort, and in the Ports which orbit the Inland Sea, but it is a slim majority.   The remaining population is spread far and wide throughout the region, some separated by weeks. These far-flung peoples each have their own traditions and cultures, indeed, it is probable they were each a unique State in some distant past, but all worship the Godmother. They know whom they serve, and come when summoned.   The reaches of Basin can hide entire armies awaiting maneuvering instructions, most of which are made assuming the forts discourage the invasion, and the army in question will arrive at a predicted time and place as to slam the full might of a healthy, hungry mass of cavalry and eager ranks into the battered, fatigued remnants of broken men already on the retreat.     You can invade Basin, but you do not stay.

Demography and Population

Urban life in Basin is much like anywhere else on the continent. The surrounding rural territories are dominated by clan politics that often rely on special Arbiters from Cracking Thunder to settle disputes.

"We Stand. You Crumble."

Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Legislative Body
Owls Wisdom
Judicial Body
Cracking Thunder
Neighboring Nations

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