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The Commonwealth

A nation on the mend; both in body and in mind.

Something incredible is happening at the mouth of the Tigra. Where once there was an empire with iron hearts and bottomless ambition now stands a monument to human kinship. Crucible, the stone legion, has faded from our humble world's plot, and in her wake came the trappings of something this scribe has never seen before. Ros-Rejis, capital of this new Commonwealth can be justifiably proud of these past 150 years.   Democracy.   Can it last?


Republican Senate

Public Agenda

To rehabilitate the nation formerly known as Crucible, and to grow into a "force of peace."


The accrued experience from generations of warfare.   Exclusive control of the Gulf of Morgan   The Tigra river delta   2 concentric city walls (20 feet thick outer wall and 10 feet thick inner wall)


The Free People do not take their Parliament for granted. For an Age following the Magi's fall, The Commonwealth was once known as Crucible, an absolute monarchy with delusions of empire. For centuries her population bore the responsibilities of conquest as each new crown raised armies to expand Crucible's claim. And they had much success. With a finely crafted military machine that became, truly, the dominant land army of Ros-Calla, Crucible marched across Ros-Cala. At the pinnacle of her might, Crucible stretched from the fortress of Drang along The Shield's southern coast, to Kataphrax under King Orilliun, who is as yet unrivaled.   However, the nations of Basin and Autumn's Breeze remained stalwart, even when reduced to mere dreams, and steeled themselves for every time they managed to send Crucible back to her original borders. Years of rationing food and supplies throughout Crucible to serve the war efforts began to turn her people into creatures of want and sadness. At long last the imperial citizens decided they would sacrifice no more sons and daughters to wars of expansion. Peasants allied with nobility, for how long may any of us stand to see whole generations slaughtered? So together they deposed the last King of Crucible.   Now the Senate endeavors to govern quite fairly from the capitol, Ros-Rejis. The military is now comprised almost entirely of professional volunteers, and fiercely loyal to the former peasantry who make up most of it's ranks. Nobility and titles still exist, but they must rely on the happiness of the lower classes to continue... Or else.

Demography and Population

The Commonwealth's central, coastal location makes it an inevitable melting pot of cultures. It truly is something to be experienced in person; it is a visage of metropolitan.


The Commonwealth has managed to retain certain vital holdings despite her recent collapse and transformation. The most important of which is the bustling city of Mistigrad which lies at the foot of the Drop.

Foreign Relations

The Commonwealth strives to rebrand and distance herself from the days of Imperial Crucible. Her neighbors still keep wary of this new political entity, but there can be no doubt that all have benefitted from her new philosophy of negotiation at the point of a quill instead of a spear.

"Dawn is come."

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Free People
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Rossi - "Caint no amount of rossi make me go in that cave there, Tyble. Dare me not."
Legislative Body
The Laymen
Judicial Body
The Courts
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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