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Knights Radiant

The Knights Radiant, commonly known as Radiants, were a military organization of ten consecrated orders, centered at Urithiru on Roshar. Commonly believed to have betrayed mankind on the Day of Recreance, they are now referred to as the Lost Radiants ... traitors. The Radiants have now begun to return. The people fear that the Radiants may betray them again, while others believe that their return also marks the return of the desolations.

Prominent Members:

Dalinar Kholin  - Bondsmith and Leader of the Knights Radiant
Kaladin Stormblessed  - Highmarshal of the Windrunners
Shallan Davar  - Leader of the Unseen Court of Lightbringers
Jasnah Kholin  - Elsecaller
Szeth - Former "Assassin in White", Skybreaker and current bodyguard to Dalinar Kholin
Lift - Leader of the Edgedancers
Military, Knightly Order


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