Bastion of Man Building / Landmark in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Bastion of Man

The Bastion of Man is the main headquarters and training location for the Order of the Knights of Temperance, a powerful and revered group of knights dedicated to protecting the Church of the Prevailing Man and its followers from the dangers of the supernatural. This formidable fortress serves as a center of power and education for the knights who make up the Order, and is the hub of all their operations.   Built centuries ago in the early days of the Church's formation, the Bastion of Man has been the primary location for the training and education of the knights who make up the Order. The Bastion stands tall on a high plateau overlooking a vast valley, and its imposing walls and spires are a testament to the strength and determination of the knights who call it home.   The Bastion is a sprawling complex of buildings, courtyards, and training grounds, all designed to train the knights in the ways of the Prevailing Man and to prepare them for the battles and challenges they will face in their duties. The main entrance to the Bastion is through a towering gatehouse, with walls so thick that they could withstand even the most powerful attacks from the enemy.   Within the Bastion, the knights are trained in a wide range of skills, from sword fighting and archery, to reading and study. They are taught the history and teachings of the Church, and are trained to uphold the Tenet of Man, which is the fundamental belief system that guides their actions and decisions.   The training regimen at the Bastion is grueling and demanding, but the knights who complete it emerge as some of the most skilled and dedicated warriors in the Church. They are fiercely loyal to the Church and to their fellow knights, and will stop at nothing to enforce and uphold the Tenet of Man.   The Bastion is also home to the Nameless Knights, a trio of esteemed knights who have ascended to the highest rank within the Order. These knights are the leaders of the Order, and their word is law. They preside over all major decisions and ceremonies within the Bastion, and their guidance and wisdom are highly respected by all the knights under their command.   In addition to training and education, the Bastion also serves as a hub for the various missions and operations of the Order of Prevailing Man. From the Bastion, knights are dispatched to all corners of the world, tasked with hunting down and eliminating threats to the Church and its followers. The Bastion also houses a vast library of ancient texts and tomes, which the knights use to research and understand the various supernatural threats they face.   The Bastion of Man is more than just a fortress or a training ground. It is a symbol of the strength and resilience of the Church and the knights who protect it. It is a place of learning, of discipline, and of faith. And for the knights who call it home, it is a sacred duty and an honor to serve within its walls.
Founding Date
17 EoB
Parent Location


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