Order of the Knights of Temperance Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Order of the Knights of Temperance

The Order of the Knights of Temperance was the militant branch of the Church of the Prevailing Man. In their infancy, they were predominantly used as bodyguards and security escorts for the Church’s upper echelons. The Knights struck fear into almost every man for their undying loyalty and unwavering faith in the Tenet of Man. The Knights were known for their aggressive reprimandation of the most severe sinners, and their vicious purgings of heretics.

During The Era of Magick, the Knights of Temperance became witch hunters in accordance with the Church’s strict stance on Magick. They became ruthless in their endeavors and would stop at nothing to finm and destroy any magick user they could find.

No one knows how many Knights there actually were or currently are. What is known is that there weren't enough to create a formal military. But there were enough at one point to seemingly be in most major cities in the world.




The first step in becoming a knight of the Order was sponsorship. A prospective knight must have first caught the eye of a high-ranking member or another knight who believed they had the necessary traits and capabilities required to become a knight. This could be based on their reputation, skill in combat, or other notable qualities.  

Knightly Schooling

Once sponsored, the prospective knight was admitted as a Knight Errant into a group of other potentials and underwent a rigorous period of training and education. This knightly schooling was designed to hone their faith and abilities to the highest level. This included physical training such as combat and endurance, as well as spiritual training such as study of holy texts and meditation.  

Squadron Placement

Upon completion of their training, the prospective knight participated in a ceremony presided over by the Nameless Knights, the highest-ranking members of the Order. During this ceremony, the knight was given a new name, taken from a former Knight or Saint of the Order. They were then placed within a squadron of Knights with the same name, where they would serve and work alongside their fellow Knights.


At the top of the Order were the Nameless Knights, a trio of highly esteemed knights who had ascended to the highest ranks of the order. They were the leaders of the order and presided over all of its activities. They forwent their names and were only known by their titles.   Under the Nameless Knights were the High Inquisitors. They were responsible for the command and leadership of several knight squadrons or a battalion. They were highly respected and trusted by the Nameless Knights and were responsible for dispatching knights where needed, based on need and the will of the Nameless Knights.   The High Inquisitors were supported by several key figures, each with their own important role within the Order. The Purifier of the Faith was responsible for purging heretics and ensuring that the Tenet of Man was upheld. They investigated and rooted out any signs of corruption or heresy within the Church or the Order.   The Herald of the Nameless was a knight who served as a messenger and liaison between the Nameless Knights and the rest of the Order. They were responsible for conveying orders and information to the High Inquisitors.   The Guardian of the Sacred Scrolls was a knight who was responsible for safeguarding and interpreting the holy texts of the Prevailing Man. They were highly educated and knowledgeable about the history and teachings of the Church.   The heart of the Order lay within its knight squadrons. These 4-6 man groups were led by a Knight Commander, the leader of the squadron. The second in command was the Inquisitor of the Black Arts, a knight specifically and highly trained in hunting down magick users and protecting the Church from their influence.   The Templar of the Silver Blade was a knight who specialized in swordsmanship and combat tactics. They were responsible for training other knights in sword fighting and leading battles.   The remaining knights in the squadron were called Temperate Knights. They were responsible for carrying out the orders of their superiors and protecting the Church and the Order.


Many of the assets of the Knights of Temperance are unknown. Though, the equipment worn on their person is well-known. All Knights donned silvered armor and weapons. This was due to magick’s weakness to silver. The Knights’ armor was engraved with runes which aided in their protection.   Though not a physical asset or means of protection, the names of the Knights are of particular interest and importance. Upon being knighted, a man or woman would forgo their birth name forever and take on a new name as deemed by the Church. Knights formed four to six manned squads, and each squad of Knights took on the same name (see: Saint Vincys)

Tenets of Faith

Founding Date
1001 EoB
Religious, Inquisitorial
Alternative Names
Knights of Temperance, Knights
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Parent Organization
Related Traditions
Controlled Territories
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