Cleansing Tradition / Ritual in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Cleansing is a solemn and sacred ritual performed by the Knights of the Order of Prevailing Man. This ritual is designed to purify the spirit and body of a magick user, as perceived by the Church, by means of a ceremonial execution. It is considered an essential act of upholding the Church's beliefs and protecting the world from the perceived dangers of magick.   The ritual takes place within a designated area, often a consecrated chamber or an open space carefully prepared for the occasion. The executioner, a Knight or higher-ranking member of the Church, performs the Cleansing with utmost conviction and adherence to the Tenet of Man. The executioner is chosen for their unwavering faith, their commitment to the Order, and their proficiency in combat.   Before the Cleansing, the accused magick user is typically bound, symbolizing their supposed entanglement with forbidden powers. A congregation may be present, including other knights, clergy members, and witnesses to ensure the solemnity and authenticity of the process.   The Cleansing begins with a solemn recitation of prayers and incantations, invoking the power and guidance of the Prevailing Man. The executioner, clad in silvered armor adorned with sacred runes, delivers a sermon emphasizing the perils of magick and the righteousness of their cause. The purpose of the sermon is to reaffirm the Church's teachings and to impress upon the accused the gravity of their supposed transgressions.   Following the sermon, the executioner brandishes a silver blade, symbolizing the Church's perceived affinity for the metal's ability to weaken magick. With measured precision and solemnity, the executioner carries out the final act, swiftly and decisively severing the connection between the accused and their perceived magickal abilities.   The execution is viewed as an act of purification, intended to cleanse the individual of their perceived corruption and restore them to a state of spiritual purity. It is believed by the Church that this severing of the magickal bond frees the accused from the influence of forbidden powers, thereby redeeming their soul.   The Cleansing is seen by the Order as a necessary and just act, protecting the Church and its followers from the perceived dangers associated with magick. It serves as a powerful deterrent to those who may be tempted by magickal practices and a reminder of the Church's firm stance against such forces.


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