Dhampyr Species in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Dhampyr, the offspring of a Vampyr and a Human, are unique creatures with characteristics of both vampyr and humans. They possess some of the benefits of vampirism such as enhanced strength, speed, and healing abilities, but do not have the same weaknesses as Vampyr, such as sensitivity to fire and sunlight, the need for blood, and the risk of mutations and cancer. Unlike Vampyr, Dhampyr age and die like humans, but at a slower rate. They have some of the characteristics of Humans, such as being able to tolerate sunlight and not needing blood to survive. They do not possess the same level of strength, speed, or healing abilities as Vampyr.   Dhampyr are only carriers of the Red Death, so they do not show symptoms, but could pass it to others. It is hypothesized that Dhampyr are resistant or even immune to the Red Death, making the chance for a cure likely, but this has yet to be proven. Mortality rates for Dhampyr are extremely high, usually dying in the womb, making a Dhampyr offspring extremely rare.   It should be noted that Dhampyr are only ever the offspring of a Vampyr and Human. Vampyr to Vampyr reproduction always result in the death of the offspring during pregnancy. This result is also highly fatal to the mother.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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