House Dauntless Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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House Dauntless

Throughout the annals of history, one family names rings synonymous with bravery and heroism. House Dauntless.   House Dauntless was large family of beast hunters that was predominantly active during the The Era of the Beast. This family made their living killing and trapping all manner of beasts and monsters throughout Rubrik. They predominantly hunted first beasts as well as Voidlings. They were devout members of the The Church of the Prevailing Man, which would explain their fervor and faith when it came to the destruction of these beasrs. They were predominantly active in Scalmoore, but members of their extended family made their way throughout the various parts of Rubrik. When Magick became prominent, and the The Era of Magick began, House Dauntless faded into obscurity, though the reason for such is a mystery to all...



  The House's founding is often disputed by scholars. But popular opinion and history recognize House Dauntless' formal founding as a noble family upon the felling of the wyvern Vathyn. After which, the family became famous as the family of well trained beast hunters, and were favored by House Lysander. The House recognized Lord Britton Dauntless as their founder.  

First Vampyr Encounter


The Last Days of Dauntless

"No Fear"

222 EoB (222 AB) - 266 EoM (1698 AB)

Family Leader

Articles under House Dauntless


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