Ibrahim Farouq Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Ibrahim Farouq

Maeshet Ibrahim Farouq was a prominent nobleman and esteemed entrepreneur in the country of Balidan. He was known for his impeccable taste and shrewd business acumen. He had carved a niche for himself as a master of the exotic spice trade.   Hailing from a long line of distinguished Balidanian merchants, Ibrahim had inherited his family's legacy and expanded their modest spice business to unprecedented heights. With an innate appreciation for the diverse flavors and aromas that spices offered, Ibrahim had cultivated an extensive network of suppliers and buyers across the realms of Rubrik.   Renowned for his discerning palate and meticulous selection process, Ibrahim scoured the corners of the world in search of the rarest and most coveted spices. His journeys took him to distant lands, where he encountered exotic cultures, traded with local farmers, and gained invaluable knowledge of the intricate spice trade.   Ibrahim's opulent spice emporium stood as a testament to his relentless pursuit of excellence. With shelves adorned with vibrant colors and intoxicating scents, his shop had become a sanctuary for culinary enthusiasts and adventurous souls seeking to tantalize their taste buds.   Beyond his business prowess, Ibrahim's generosity and philanthropy were widely known throughout Balidan. He actively supported local communities and endeavored to uplift the lives of those less fortunate. Whether it was funding educational initiatives or investing in sustainable farming practices, Ibrahim remained dedicated to creating a better future for all Balidanians.  

The Starlit Road

  Ibrahim found himself drawn into the clandestine network known as the Starlit Road. While he did not play a central role in its creation, Ibrahim's contribution proved vital in ensuring the safe passage of Magick users along this secret route.   Known for his opulent shop, where rare and exotic spices from distant lands adorned the shelves, Ibrahim's business served as more than just a front for his lucrative trade. Behind the scenes, Ibrahim discreetly aided the Occult of Quresh in their mission to protect and guide kasters to places of sanctuary.   Utilizing his extensive network of contacts, Ibrahim became a trusted ally of the Occult. His wealth and influence allowed him to provide financial support and essential resources to facilitate the covert operations of the Starlit Road. With utmost discretion, he worked closely with the Occult's members, ensuring the safe transport of kasters across treacherous terrains and bypassing the prying eyes of those who sought to suppress their magick.   Ibrahim's involvement in the Starlit Road stemmed from his profound belief in the fundamental right of individuals to embrace their magickal talents without fear of persecution. Though his role may have been behind the scenes, his contributions were no less significant. Through his selfless actions, he offered hope and protection to those who sought to escape the clutches of oppression.  

Magick and Cost

  Ibrahim, once an esteemed cohort of the Occult of Quresh, possessed the rare ability to manipulate earth. With a mere thought, he could shape sand, rock, and dirt to his will, bending it to create structures or wielding it as a formidable weapon. However, the use of his magick extracted a profound psychological toll on Ibrahim. Each time he channeled his earth manipulation powers, he experienced vivid and haunting visions of past traumas and buried memories. These memories, brought to the forefront of his consciousness, inflicted emotional anguish and torment upon him. The more he delved into his abilities, the deeper he was plunged into the depths of his own psyche, navigating a treacherous labyrinth of his innermost fears and regrets.
Date of Birth
32 EoM
Date of Death
105 EoM
1464 AB 1537 AB 73 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered in his warehouse by an unknown enemy
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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