Occult of Quresh Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Occult of Quresh

The Occult of Quresh is a secretive organization that is dedicated to the study and practice of magick, as well as the exploration of the unknown and the Otherworld. Its members believe in the power of magick and seek to harness it for their own purposes, whether it be for personal gain or to bring about positive change in the world.   The organization is led by a council of high-ranking members, known as the Council of the Magi. The council oversees the group's activities and ensures that its members follow the teachings of Solomon Quresh. The Council also guides members in their magickal pursuits and helps them to develop their abilities.   Membership in the Occult of Quresh is highly exclusive and is only granted to those who have demonstrated a deep understanding of magick and have shown a commitment to the organization's principles. Initiates must undergo a rigorous training program that includes both theoretical and practical work, and must also demonstrate a high level of skill in the use of magick.   The Occult of Quresh is known for its use of ancient magickal texts, many of which were written by Solomon Quresh himself. These texts are highly sought after by magicians and scholars alike, as they contain powerful magickal knowledge that has been passed down through the ages.   Despite its secretive nature, the Occult of Quresh has a significant influence in the world of magick, and its members are highly respected for their knowledge and skill. However, the group is also shrouded in mystery, and many outsiders view it with suspicion and fear, believing that its members may be involved in dark or dangerous practices.
Secret, Occult
Alternative Names
The Occult


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