Mages Guild Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Mages Guild

By far the longest-standing guild within the Guilders Circle , the Mages Guild oversees everything magical within the Scalmoore. Licenses are required to practice magic within Scalmoore and the Mages are quick to dish out fines and even imprisonment to those not correctly licensed.

Magickal Licensure

The licenses for practicing magic in Capitol are as follows:

Unlicensed - You are forbidden to practice magic in any form within the city.
  Restricted License - You are allowed to practice Magick within the letter of the law. You may not take part in magical research, and you may not invent or seek to learn unapproved magicks. You are not allowed to practice magick during the Wytching Hour. The cost for a Restricted License is 120gg per year. The processing for a Restricted License is much more lenient and more readily available to the citizens of Scalmoore. Offensive-based magicks are strictly enforced and illegal to citizens of Scalmoore.
  Unrestricted License - You are allowed to freely practice magic in all its forms, as long as you abide by the letter of the law. The cost for an Unrestricted License is 240gg per year. Acquiring an Unrestricted License is an arduous process that takes several months to complete. A background check is required and the license can be rejected if the background check is denied. Criminals are forbidden to carry an Unrestricted License, though, if you know the right people, you can usually acquire one, though it will undoubtedly cost much more. You are able to practice magick during the Wytching Hour, but this is generally closely monitored.
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Cinderhand Magick Corporation
Ruling Organization
Leader Title


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