Guilders Circle Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Guilders Circle

The Guilders Circle was once the ruling body over Scalmoore, before Lord Valerius Arcos took over as Lord in 30 EoT. Their reign was short, lasting only a decade. They were a conglomerate of the most powerful and influential guilds in Ravenport. Now, they act as the Lord Arcos' counselors, overseeing the laws of Scalmoore as well as everything from trade and business, to magical licensing and weapons manufacturing. The Guilders Circle was once known for its many power struggles, removing and adding new guilds to fit the Circle’s needs and desires. Lord Arcos has since brought them to heel, and the current iteration of the Circle has remained largely unchanged during his tenure.
Founding Date
20 EoT
Geopolitical, City council
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy

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