Nocturnus Species in Rubrik | World Anvil
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In the chronicles of Ravenport, the dark and fearsome presence of The Dread Wyrm Nocturnus looms large. This monstrous dragon, whose very name sends shivers down the spines of those who dare speak it, cast its shadow of terror over the once-thriving city.   Nocturnus, as it was dubbed by the terror-stricken people of Ravenport, evoked the sinister allure of the night and the ominous darkness that cloaked its colossal form. With scales as black as the deepest abyss and eyes that gleamed with an unholy light, this legendary dragon was a force to be reckoned with.   Ravenport, named in honor of the valiant Knights of Temperance, Saint Corvinus I, suffered greatly under the wrath of Nocturnus. The dragon's fiery breath devoured entire villages, reducing them to smoldering ruins, and its razor-sharp claws tore through the stoutest fortifications with ease. The people of Ravenport lived in perpetual fear, their lives overshadowed by the beast's relentless presence.   But it was Saint Corvinus, the embodiment of unwavering faith and unyielding courage, who took up the challenge to face The Dread Wyrm. With the blessings of the Prevailing Man guiding his every move, Saint Corvinus embarked on a titanic battle that would forever etch his name into the annals of Ravenport's history.   The clash between Saint Corvinus and Nocturnus shook the very foundations of the city. The skies roared with thunder as the dragon's deafening screeches reverberated through the land. The valiant knight, wielding his gleaming silver blade and clad in the sacred armor of the Knights of Temperance, engaged in a life-or-death struggle against the Razer of Ravenport.   In a climactic clash, Saint Corvinus plunged his blade into the heart of the dragon, piercing its darkened hide and unleashing a torrent of divine energy. Nocturnus, the Eventide, met its end, its final breath extinguished as its monstrous form crashed to the earth, leaving a wake of destruction in its wake.   The people of Ravenport rejoiced, their spirits lifted by the triumph of Saint Corvinus over the once-unstoppable force of Nocturnus. The name of the dragon became a symbol of both the horrors endured and the resilience displayed by the city. The Dread Wyrm Nocturnus, The Eventide, the Ruin of Ravenport serves as a reminder of the indomitable spirit that emerged victorious from the darkness.   To this day, tales are told of the fateful encounter between Saint Corvinus and Nocturnus, inspiring generations with the story of a lone knight's triumph over overwhelming odds. The name Nocturnus, whispered with a mix of awe and trepidation, embodies the legacy of the dragon that once threatened the very existence of Ravenport.   In the city of Ravenport, where the memory of Saint Corvinus and the terror of Nocturnus intertwine, the people pay homage to their history. They honor the valor of the Knight of Temperance and the bravery that brought an end to the reign of the dread wyrm, forever cherishing the tale of The Dread Wyrm Nocturnus, The Eventide, the Ruin of Ravenport.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Dread Wyrm Nocturnus, The Eventide, the Ruin of Ravenport
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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