Rite of Quresh Spell in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Rite of Quresh

The Rite of Quresh is a powerful ritual that grants a human immense power from a djinn of the Void. However, the ritual is complex and dangerous, requiring a high level of skill and expertise in the art of magick. The ritual involves creating a protective circle using runes and etchings, along with several components to aid in the summoning process. The first step in the Rite of Quresh is the creation of a ritual circle. This circle acts as a barrier to protect the person performing the ritual from beings of the Otherworld. However, if the circle is created incorrectly, it can have catastrophic consequences. The circle is created using runes and etchings that are inscribed onto the ground, and it must be done with precision and care.   In addition to the ritual circle, several components are needed for the Rite of Quresh. The first is incense, which is burned to help create an atmosphere conducive to the summoning. The second is the blood of the Kaster, which is usually obtained with a knife. The blood is used as an offering to the djinn of the Void, to show reverence and respect. A mixture of rare spices is also used, which is believed to enhance the potency of the summoning.   A piece of silver is also required, which can be worn or held by the person performing the ritual for added protection. Finally, a diamond or other precious gem or jewel is used, which is consumed by the Otherworld. The cost and size of the diamond are unknown, but it is believed that the larger and more expensive the diamond, the more powerful the magick.   To perform the Rite of Quresh, the person must be secluded in a dark room for 13 days of fasting. During this time, they must not speak to anyone, and it is recommended that they avoid being near anyone as well. After the fasting period, the person must recite the summoning, which is a complex and lengthy incantation that must be spoken with precision and clarity.   The Rite of Quresh is a powerful and dangerous ritual, and it should only be attempted by those with a deep understanding of magick and a strong will. The consequences of failure can be dire, so it is important to approach the ritual with caution and respect.


The Rite of Quresh grants the kaster a clear and defined ability, such as the power to control the weather. This ability is narrow in scope and cannot be altered in any way. Each ability comes with a cost. This action must be done, usually immediately after or before a kaster uses their ability, but there are exceptions to this rule. Failure to pay, and the consequences of misusing it can be dire.


Magick from the Void has a particular look to it. It is always black and deep purple in color, and has an almost liquid and smoke-like appearance to it.


The Rite of Quresh was discovered and established by the renowned philopsher, Solomon Quresh.

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Material Components
1. ritual circle with specific runes and etchings to create a protective barrier.   2. Incense for purification and ritual ambiance.   3. Blood of the Kaster (usually obtained with a knife) to symbolize sacrifice and dedication to the djinn of the Void.   4. A mixture of rare spices to aid in the summoning and strengthen the connection to the djinn.   5. A piece of silver to be worn or held for protection during the ritual.   6. A diamond or other precious gem or jewel to be consumed by the Otherworld, with the size and cost being directly proportional to the strength of the desired ability.


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