Solomon Quresh Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Solomon Quresh

The origins of Balidan's fascination with magick, and more specifically Nihilimancy, can be traced back to the adventurer named Solomon Quresh, who was imprisoned after a mysterious catastrophe at Arubakahr. It was during his time in prison that Solomon encountered a djinn, who offered him power and escape in exchange for an unknown price. Solomon emerged from the prison with a newfound knowledge of magick, and began teaching the people of Balidan how to harness this power.   The teachings of Solomon Quresh were met with both fear and fascination, and soon the Occult of Quresh was established. Under the leadership of Solomon and his closest followers, the Occult became a powerful force in Balidan.  


  At the age of 125, Solomon seemed to have not aged a day. Much to the dismay of the Church of the Prevailing Man, who had prayed for his passing. Soon, the Order of the Knights of Temperance began to impose their will and invaded Balidan with the intent on finding Solomon, and any of his followers, and executing them. Solomon was discovered by Saint Celestine V and was promptly executed with no trial. Many people mourned and many too celebrated the death of Solomon Quresh.  

Magick and Cost

  Solomon was granted the magickal ability of immortality, an ability that hasn't been seen since. While this was not common knowledge, it did become apparent as time went on and he did not age. As for the cost of Solomon's magick. We may never know. Rumor has it that it has something to do with his passing, as he was heard saying before he was executed, "Upon my demise, the world shall tremble."
Date of Birth
19, Month of Birth, 1412 EoB
Date of Death
36, Month of Death, 105 EoM
1412 AB 1537 AB 125 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Long, dark
Aligned Organization


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