Talia Sahin Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Talia Sahin

Talia Sahin is a member of the prestigious College of Ouroboros, an institute of learning that was established during the Era of the Beast and has since focused on the study of magick. Born in Balidan, Talia is a young woman that is known for her quick wit and her unwavering determination to uncover the mysteries of the Otherworld, a realm beyond our own filled with gods, spirits, and creatures beyond human understanding. With a fierce passion for the arcane, Talia is a skilled mage and a respected member of the College, always seeking to expand her knowledge and understanding of the intricacies of magick.
Current Location
Date of Birth
25, Month of the Harvest, 30 EoT
Year of Birth
1907 AB 20 Years old
Aligned Organization


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