College of Ouroboros Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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College of Ouroboros

The College of Ouroboros, a renowned and enigmatic institution, stands as a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the mysteries of the arcane. Originating in Balidan during the Era of the Beast, the College began as a center of learning, delving into the secrets of the world and the forces that shape it. However, as the Era of Magick dawned upon Rubrik, the College shifted its focus towards the study and mastery of the arcane arts.   Symbolized by the Ouroboros, a representation of the Naga creatures that once roamed the sands of Balidan, the College embodies the eternal cycle of knowledge and its infinite potential. As the world embraced Magick, the College emerged as a prominent authority on matters of the arcane, attracting scholars, mages, and seekers of power from far and wide.   Yet, whispers persist of a darker side to the College of Ouroboros. Rumors circulate that their true motives reach beyond the pursuit of knowledge, veering into treacherous realms. Some suggest that the College's thirst for understanding the arcane knows no bounds, and they are willing to delve into forbidden territories, disregarding ethical concerns and the well-being of others. The exact nature of their secretive agenda remains shrouded in mystery, fueling both reverence and fear among those who have heard of their name.   Regardless of the truth behind the rumors, the College of Ouroboros stands as a formidable and influential institution in the realm of magick, attracting those who seek to uncover the deepest secrets of the arcane, and raising questions about the moral boundaries of their pursuit. Its halls are said to hold ancient tomes, rare artifacts, and powerful spells, making it a coveted destination for those who dare to explore the depths of magickal knowledge, while always wary of the price that may accompany such enlightenment.  

The Asrarim

  The Asrarim, selected from within the ranks of the College of Ouroboros, are entrusted with the vital responsibility of safeguarding and managing the secret treasures and artifacts held within the institution. They serve as keepers of the Secrets' Vault, maintaining meticulous records of the items and secrets left in their care.   When individuals wish to entrust a secret or valuable item to the College, they approach the Asrarim. The Asrarim, in turn, carefully document the details of the item or secret, its owner, and the terms of its safekeeping. A unique key, known as the Secret Keepers Key, is provided to the depositor. This key is an intricate and specially crafted artifact that holds both symbolic and practical significance.   To access their items or secrets, the depositor must present the Secret Keepers Key to the College, where the Asrarim verify its authenticity and ensure the proper protocols are followed. The Asrarim's extensive knowledge of the vault and its contents allows them to locate the specific item or secret associated with the key, granting access to the depositor or their designated representative.   By entrusting their secrets and treasures to the Asrarim and the College of Ouroboros, individuals can be assured of the utmost confidentiality and protection. The Asrarim's role in this process is integral, ensuring that the items remain secure and the secrets are preserved until the rightful owners or their authorized agents come to claim them.
Educational, Scientific Institute
Controlled Territories


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