The Last Beast Plot in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Last Beast

Tierjagr Traust Akisson and his companions, Renji and Bjorn encountered a strange creature on one of their hunts. It resembled a serptenine creature with short forearms, it was purple and black in color and measured about 25 feet long.   The Tierjagr were invited to a banquet held by Felruesste Ottokar the Everhart, to honor them for their hard work over the years of hunting and protecting the people of Vohenhaldr. Whilst at the banquet, the Tierjagr met Isolda and Athelstan Dauntless, who had sailed from the country of Scalmoore, to oversee the final construction of a chapel for their religion, the Church of the Prevailing Man.   Renji, one of the Tierjagr, who hails from Balidan, took an interest in Isolda and struck up converstation with her. He learned that House Dauntless was a prominent beast and monster hunting family, that had been hunting interesting creatures for centuries. They took quite an interest in the creature that the Tierjagr had seen. Upon learning of the Tierjagrs plan to find and hunt the beast, the two siblings agreed to join them on their hunt, as long as they could take the creatures head when all was said and done.


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