Watchers Guild Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Watchers Guild

The Watchers Guild or simply Watchers, is the law enforcement in Scalmoore.


After the disappearance of the Child Emperor, Luther Lysander in 7 EoT, Ravenport fell into disarray. Without the help and guidance of the Watcher’s Guild, the great city would have surely collapsed. They swiftly assumed control of both the Elite Guard and City Watch, both of which would have collapsed were it not for the guild. The Watcher’s Guild was charged with the protection of the city and the country. They were also the founders of the Watcher’s Task Force, an investigative branch responsible for weeding out enemies of the city. Finneus Daud was the Guildmaster of the Watchers. The aging human was slow to trust those around him from his years in Watcher’s Task Force. He was famous for his work in dismantling the Slaver’s Ring in Thundarses, an achievement the Triumverate still garner hatred. They tried to end his life on more than one occasion. Some say the only reason Daud was a member of the Circle was to keep an ever-watchful eye on the Merchant’s Guild, whom the Guildmaster believed had some involvement in the disappearance of the Child Emporer, Luther Lysander.
Government, Law Enforcement
Alternative Names
The Watchers
Predecessor Organizations
Ruling Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members


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